Chapter 26 pt. 1

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Hello! This chapter is going to be split into three parts, for my sanity. This is the quality Warbler content y'all didn't ask for.



Blaine's POV

Blaine couldn't keep the smile from his face as he grabbed Sebastian's hand. We did it. They just bought their first apartment together, and put both of there names on the lease. He gripped his key excitedly, and it almost left an in print in his hand.

"God, look at this place, it's amazing!" Marveled Blaine.

"I'm glad you approve, because it's ours." Sebastian's face echoed Blaine's.

It was a classy apartment, with the perfect amount of space. A master bedroom plus bathroom, two spare rooms, a living room, another bathroom, kitchen, dining space, and a small loft area. It also had a lovely view of the park across the street.

"Tell anybody yet? Asked Sebastian.

"Yeah, just about everyone." Blaine chuckled sheepishly. "How bout you?"

"Same here." Admitted Sebastian. "You know, I was thinking. Maybe if we move in and decorate quickly, we can have a housewarming party before everyone leaves town."

"That's a great idea!" Exclaimed Blaine.

"Oh, we're going to be late, Killer." Sebastian glanced at his watch.

They hurried out of their apartment and into Sebastian's car. Luckily, it was only a seven minute drive to Dalton so they weren't too late for practice with the Warblers. For the past couple weeks they'd been practing for the New Year's Eve fundraiser. The Warblers and New Directions had been practicing at their respective schools, but would preform together.

"You know fashionably late works for parties, but not practices." Teased Thad as the couple rushed into the Senior Commons.

"Very funny, Harwood." Sebastian playfully scrunched his nose at the Warbler.

After an hour and a half of practice, the group decided they were done. The Warblers dispersed to chat and Blaine wandered over to Nick, Jeff and Thad.

"Hi, Blaine." Jeff smiled.

"Hey, guys." Jeff's smile spread to Blaine's face.

"Hey, why were you and Seb late?" Nick asked.

"I have a couple ideas." Smirked Thad before Blaine could open his mouth. Nick and Blaine rolled their eyes in response.

Jeff tilted his head in confusion. "What does he mean?"

Nick shook his head, "I'll tell you later."

"More like show you." Thad said mischievously.

Nick blushed, and gently shoved Thad. "So, Blaine, why were you guys late?"

"We were buying our first apartment together." Informed Blaine happily.

"What? Congrats!" Exclaimed Jeff as Thad and Nick patted Blaine on the back.

"Thanks! I'm really excited." Remarked Blaine.

"Good, I'm happy for you two." Nick said and hugged Blaine.

"Trying to steal my boyfriend, eh Duval?" Sebastian walked up to the quartet and put an arm around Blaine's shoulder.

"Nah, I got one of my own." Nick put an arm around Jeff.

"Wow guys, way to single me out." Thad said sarcastically, earning a laugh from the group.

The Next Day...

Blaine woke up bright and early, bursting with excitement. Five days till their New Years Eve show and today he was getting ready to move in with his boyfriend.

Some of the Warblers were helping Sebastian sell furniture as he packed, while Blaine packed with his mom. Sebastian and Soleil sold the house a bit ago, after Anthony died. Now it fell on Sebastian to sell everything in the numerous rooms. Blaine had felt bad for not helping Seb, but he needed to pack.

"I can't believe you're moving out again." His mom said emotionally as she folded shirts.

"I'll be okay and I'll visit all the time, don't worry." Assured Blaine.

"I know you will. And I'm not too worried about you, I know you and Sebastian will be very happy together." Pam patted her son on the arm.

"I'm glad you like him, it means a lot to me." Blaine put sheet music in a box as he spoke.

"All that matters is if you like him." The mother and son tightly embraced each other.

Sebastian's POV

"This is a lot heavier than it looks." Grunted Wes as he and Thad lifted a bookcase. Everything in the house (besides Sebastian's room) already sold, and today the buyers were picking everything up. It was a crazy commotion, and Sebastian was glad his friends were there to help.

"Seb! You gonna get off your ass and do something? Cause it seems like we're doing all the heavy lifting." Complained Thad.

"I seem to recall you volunteering your services." Sebastian called back. Thad grumbled something sarcastic and set the bookcase down.

Sebastian put David in charge of keeping track of which buyer got what, and taking the money. There was quite a lot in the house, even with what Blaine and Sebastian decided to keep. The couple had also agreed to give the profits from the sales to the school for the deaf.

"Nick, Jeff? Where's that armour?" Shouted Sebastian. There was no reply, so Sebastian sighed and jogged up to his parents old room. That's where he found Nick and Jeff making out on the armour they were supposed to be transporting. "Really guys?"

The pair broke apart, flushed and sheepish. "Sorry."

"Keep it moving." Sebastian visibly fought a snicker.

"You don't need to laugh." Nick cast him a joking scold.

"I wasn't." Even as Sebastian said that, a chuckled escaped him. "Just... move the armour, please? Though I don't know if we can even sell it now that Jeff's ass was on it."

Jeff stuck his tongue out in response, and Nick lovingly flipped him off as Sebastian left the room.

Sebastian grinned and went to his room. He'd been packing all of December before he told Blaine about the loft so there wasn't a lot left to pack. He put in headphones and worked for a while until the doorbell rang.

"Sebastian!! Blaine's here!" Called Trent. Sebastian furrowed his brow in confusion but left his room anyways.

Sebastian's questions were answered when he got downstairs. Blaine was at the kitchen counter with plates, napkins, soda, red solo cups and five really big pizzas.

"I thought you guys might like refreshments after Sebastian had you slaving away all day." Blaine joked after he spotted Sebastian.

"That's hilarious, Killer." Sebastian rolled his eyes and kissed Blaine on the forehead.

"Ewwwwww!" The Warblers said in unison.

"What are you, five?" Sebastian wrinkled his nose.

"No, we're... never mind, I don't have a good comeback." Ethan flushed red.

The boys laughed as Blaine poured drinks. "Alright, to Sebastian and Blaine!" Wes lifted his glass.

"No, no, no, to family." Corrected Sebastian.

"To family!"


Ayyyyyy! So this was Warbler stuff, cause last chapter had a bunch of New Directions stuff. I'm excited for these next two parts, this part was stuff I wanted to include in the chapter, but would've made it even longer. So, three parts, get excited. Hope you liked it!


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