Chapter 6

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Hi! So this chapter takes place during Season 6 Episode 2, Homecoming. But instead of Jane going to Dalton, and that being a whole story line, she has always gone to McKinley High. This chapter will skip over a lot of the stuff that happens at McKinley's Homecoming, and focus on Dalton's Homecoming. I don't think the two were at the same time, but this is fanfiction for a non canon ship so... yeah. By the way this takes place a couple of days after chapter 5. This might be obvious, but I put space between the episode Loser Like Me, and Homecoming because I wanted to. Sorry, this is a really long chapter, like REALLY long, so just hang in there. Enjoy!!

Last but not least, I want to dedicate this chapter to not only Cory, Finn and Naya, but to all the stars, friends and family we lost, CoVid or otherwise. I would like to make a special note of Chadwick Boseman. Please remember everyone we lost with love and peace.



Sebastian's POV

'Ouch.' Thought Sebastian the second he woke up. His chest was throbbing and the bruising wasn't any better. Pain shot through his as he removed the wet, melted ice pack from his chest. Groaning, Sebastian smacked the off button on his alarm clock and rolled out of bed. He did his hair into the style he usually wore, spiked in the front, but with only a little bit of gel. The teachers dress code at Dalton was pretty strict, so he pulled out a pair of black slacks, a blue/grey button up and a navy tie. He also put a blazer that matched his tie. Sebastian did all this while he refrained from crying out in pain. Then he went downstairs and made himself blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Next Sebastian packed his lunch. Cucumber water, Caesar salad, carrots and ranch, granola bar, and two of his mom's famous brownies, one was for Blaine. Lastly, he put on his black converse and waited outside.

Blaine drove Sebastian to school everyday because Blaine already drove in from Lima, and Sebastian's house was on the way to Dalton. This week was Homecoming week at Dalton, which was awesome, except that some of the people coming home probably didn't want to see him. Facing the consequences of his actions was something he didn't was to do, but knew he had too.

BEEEP! Sebastian looked up to see his boyfriend's car pull up. He smiled and waved cheerily. When he got into the car he gave Blaine a peck on the cheek. "Happy Homecoming week B!" Exclaimed Sebastian. "You excited?"

"Yeah! It'll be good to see the guys again, it feels like it's been forevever!" Blaine enthusiastically said. Sebastian grinned at his boyfriend's excitement. The two chattered happily about the Warbler's special Homecoming party until Blaine asked, "Hey would you wanna come with me to McKinley Homecoming? We wouldn't go to the game, but we would go to the bonfire beforehand."

Sebastian wasn't quite sure what to say. He loved Blaine, but the kids at McKinley didn't love Sebastian. "Oh uh..."

"Nevermind, you don't have to, forget I even asked." Blaine covered quickly.

"No! You know what, this is important to you, and of course I'll go with you." Sebastian said. Deep down he really didn't want to go, but it would mean the world to Blaine if he went. 'Do it for Blaine.'

Blaine looked shocked and questioned, "Really? You would do that?"

"Of course B! It'll be fun." Reassured Sebastian. 'No it won't be fun.' Sebastian thought gloomily.

"Oh and I have dinner with Mr. Shue and some of the other Glee kids tonight so we'll have to reschedule our date, sorry Bas." Blaine looked slightly guilty, to which Sebastian said,

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