Chapter 24

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Hey! Yeah, I know this is late. But I hope y'all like it anyways. Just so you know, there is a time jump. It's mentioned, I just didn't want anyone to be confused. And let's hear it for We're Worth A Shot - Snowbarry Oneshots for reaching 1.02k on Wattpad (that's my other book)!

Oh, what's this? Me casually mentioning Naya Rivera because the Grammy's Memorial didn't? Yep. To all of you who say she was more of an actress, and best known for Glee, I ask, what did she do on Glee? Made snarky remarks and was a badass lesbian, but did a lot of singing. And what's this? She was actually nominated for a Grammy in 2010? That's what I thought. Also she did write her own music, which was amazing. So, we love you Naya. The Grammy's don't deserve you anyways.



Sebastian's POV

There were many words that could be used to describe how Sebastian was feeling, but the most prominent one was empty.

Ever since Soleil moved to France, a week ago, Sebastian had felt empty. His mom was always there for him, no matter what, and now she was thousands of miles away. It felt like she was on a whole different planet. And not only that, she was Sebastian's rock, and they had always stuck together through everything. Now, his mom was in a different country, and Sebastian just felt empty.

Empty could describe not only how Sebastian was feeling, but also how the house felt. Their place in Westerville had never felt like home, but now that Soleil was gone the house was more alive with ghosts.

Sebastian felt like he was loosing his mind, rattling around the mansion, and his father wasn't helping. He often thought he saw Anthony, in the reflection of a window, or sometimes standing right next to Sebastian. It was terrifying, and he would just stand paralyzed in fear until his father disappeared again. In addition to seeing his father all over the place, Sebastian's nightmares had gotten worse too.

A couple days after Anthony had first gone after him, Sebastian had a nightmare, and crawled into Genevieve's bed. His sister turned on their nightlight and held him until he fell asleep. He was all grown up now, yet still felt like a little boy, terrified of his father. He desperately wished the space next to him wasn't empty, but wishing didn't make something so.

Blaine's POV

Blaine greeted his boyfriend with a kiss and a coffee. "Hey, B."

"Hey, Killer." Sebastian flashed a small smile as he sat down at their table at the Lima Bean.

"So, how have you been?" Blaine asked as he sipped his coffee slowly.

"I've been fine." Replied Sebastian easily.

"I think we both know that's not what I meant." Blaine looked into Sebastian's eyes earnestly.

Sebastian let out a sigh. "I... miss her, a lot. We talk everyday but it's still difficult. But I'll be fine."

"Good, I'm glad. Anyways, I was wondering if you'd want to come to dinner with me tomorrow at Mr. Shue's house?" Asked Blaine.

"Is everybody cool with me being there?" Sebastian arched one eyebrow.

"After the wedding, everyone is fine with you. I might even go as far as saying they like you." Assured Blaine.

Sebastian chuckled. "I wouldn't go that far."

"Is that a yes?" Blaine questioned, already knowing the answer.

"Yes." Sebastian smiled.

The Next Day....

Blaine nudged Sebastian as they stood outside Mr. Shue's apartment. The taller boy looked slightly nervous holding a salad.

"It's going to be fine." Promised Blaine. He thought it was adorable that Seb was trying so hard to make amends for the things he did in the past.

"If you say so." Sebastian said.

"Hey guys, come on in!" Mr. Shue grinned as he opened the door.

The boys hung up their coats, and were greeted with smiles from Rachel, Kurt and Sam. Blaine shot Sebastian an 'I told you so look', and Seb just smiled. He took a seat next to his boyfriend.

"Did you guys hear that the school for the deaf burned down?" Asked Mr. Shue as he scooped himself salad.

"I did! I feel so bad for those poor kids." Frowned Rachel.

"My dad is trying to get the government to fund the rebuilt, but most people think the deaf kids should just go to public school." Added Kurt.

Sebastian chewed thoughtfully for a moment. "What if we hold a charity concert to help raise money? We can get the New Directions and the Warblers to preform."

"That's a great idea!" Exclaimed Blaine.

"We could have it on New Year's Eve, and do our own sort of concert." Suggested Kurt.

"And we could invite all the old New Directions and Warblers to preform." Mr Shue pitched in enthusiastically. "It'd be a great excuse to get everyone back for the holidays."

"A guy in the Westerville parks department owes Coach Beiste a favor, I can ask if we can set up in Farewell park." Proposed Sam.

"My dads have a friend who sets up stages and equipment for events, maybe she'd give us a discount. Or maybe she'd even do it for free." Volenteered Rachel.

"We can use my parents liquor cellar for drinks, and the profit from the sale can be donated as well." Offered Sebastian.

The group looked at each other and smiled. "Alright, sounds like we got a show!" Mr. Shue beamed proudly.

The rest of dinner was spent discussing details, and by the end of the night they had a charity event planned.


Hey hey! So I had the school for the dead burned down because it wouldn't be logical to burn down Carmel High, and I refuse to burn down Dalton. I know this was short, but the next chapter will be longer, and it will be a Christmas chapter. It will also be posted really soon. Thanks for reading!


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