Chapter 9

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Hi! I know this chapter is kinda short and filler, but I promise next chapter is a whopper! Thanks for reading!



Blaine's POV

Between the Sheets was practically empty when Blaine and Seb arrived. It was a sheet music store in a town that wasn't that big on the arts, so it made sense. The pair began flipping through music, trying to find something perfect.

"Please put down the Broadway music." Sebastian faked exasperation. Blaine laughed and walked over to the Katy Perry music. Sebastian rolled his eyes. Blaine snickered and pulled Sebastian back to the show tunes. Then he heard a rather familiar voice say,

"How do you call yourselves a sheet music store if you don't have the soundtrack of Smash?" 'Ah, Kurt.'

"Ugh, I know, it's like a show choir hate crime." Blaine said as he poked his head around the shelf. They walked into the aisle and Kurt responded,

"Hi, Blaine." Sebastian walked up to them and put an arm around Blaine's shoulder, vaguely reminiscent of a move Kurt once did. Kurt looked visible irritated Sebastian was there and added, "And Sebastian."

Blaine was wondered if this would be as weird as he thought. "Don't tell me we have to figure out alternating sheet music days." He could tell Kurt was uncomfortable and didn't really know what to say.

"No, no of course not. It's fine." Kurt reassured. A plain lie, but neither Blaine or Sebastian called him out.

"So, uh, I've been helping Blaine put together his Warblers set list, but it's just like pulling teeth to get this guy off Broadway. Or even off off-Broadway if you know what I mean right?" Sebastian tried to break the tension, but it didn't work. Kurt just gave a forced chuckle. 'Alright, this has been sufficiently awkward.'

"Uh, its good to see you, Kurt." Said Blaine with a small smile. He grabbed Seb's hand and walked away. "That was..."

"Awkward." Finished Sebastian. Blaine sighed in agreement. The pair quickly picked out their music and left. Seb quietly dropped Blaine off.

Blaine walked into his house and his phone dinged.

Kurt Hummel: Hey!

Blaine frowned when he saw Kurt' name pop up. As much as he wanted to be friends with Kurt, he also knew that Kurt was desperate to get him back. Blaine hesitantly texted back.

Blaine Anderson: Hey Kurt! What's up?

Kurt Hummel: No much, just got back for Between the Sheets. Wbu?

Blaine Anderson: Same

Kurt Hummel: It was nice to see you tonight

Blaine wasn't sure how to respond. If he didn't respond, it would be rude. If he agreed that might send the wrong message.

Blaine Anderson : U too

Kurt Hummel: K, I gotta go

Blaine Anderson: OK, night

Kurt Hummel: Night

Blaine clicked off his phone with a sigh. He hoped Kurt didn't see that as a sign that Blaine loved him. 'You're over thinking this.' Blaine plugged his phone in and looked at the boxes on his floor. Just the thought of moving in with Seb made him giddy. Blaine grinned and showered, then changed into pajamas. He heard his phone buzz and went to check it.

Sebastian Smythe: I love you, g'night!

Blaine Anderson: I love you too! Night!

Sebastian Smythe:😘😘

Blaine Anderson:😍

Sure the way they texted was cheesey, but Blaine secretly loved it. He set his alarm and brushed his teeth. As he clicked off his light, he took one last look at the boxes on his floor. 'This won't turn out like last time. I hope...'

Sebastian's POV

Seeing Kurt at Between the Sheets was extremely uncomfortable. Just the sight of Kurt reminded Sebastian of all the reasons Blaine should leave him. 'Broken, bully, b*tch, bad guy. Well, besides those.' Blaine could do so much better than Sebastian, but he didn't. Sebastian had no clue why, but he tried not to question it. He was very lucky to have Blaine. There was a voice in his head that sounded eerily like his father's, and it always told him he wasn't good enough for anything. Overtime Sebastian started to believe it. All Sebastian could do was try not to screw up them best damn thing that happened to him. And that was Blaine.

The Two Days Later...

"Hey Seb!" Greeted Blaine as he entered the teachers lounge. Sebastian looked up from his lunch and waved.

"Sup Killer?"

Blaine was practically bouncing with excitement when he exclaimed, "Santana and Brittany are getting married! Tina just told me!" Sebastian was shocked to say the least. 'How is he this enthusiastic when he own engagement went so sour?'

"Wow! That's awesome!" Replied Sebastian with a smile. Sure he might've feuded with Santana at some point, but he still was happy for the snarky Latina. Blaine beamed in response. 'Jeez, it's as if I just proposed.' The rest of lunch was spent chatting about the engagement and what type of wedding 'Brittana' would have. Blaine was so excited that Sebastian didn't want to spoil his happiness by asking the question on his mind - was Sebastian going to go to the wedding?


Okay, thanks for reading! I know this is a lame chapter, but I basically need Seb to find out Brittana is getting married. I can't wait to write the next chapter! You all rock!


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