Chapter 15

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I started writing this book because I love the ship, and thought the world needed more Seblaine. I'm glad you all like this, becuase this is gonna be a pretty long fic. I already have most of it planned😂. Seblaine will be tested, and we'll have to see how it ends. Well, I know how it ends, you have to wait. This takes place during What The World Needs Now. Enjoy, vote, and comment!



Blaine's POV

As Sebastian ate his ice cream, doubt flooded Blaine's head. I can't help him. I should be able to, shouldn't I? Doubt filled him to the point where he asked,

"Hey, do you think I could sleep at my house tonight? Its just that if I stayed here I'd have to wake up early, and you need your sleep." Blaine hated how easily the lie came. It was technically true, but that wasn't why Blaine wanted to stay at his house tonight.

"Of course you can! You never had to stay with me in the first place, though I appreciate it. It's fine." Assured Sebastian.

Blaine forced a smile and thanked him. The rest of the day was quiet, occasional chatter, but mostly just watching the Flash and cuddling. Blaine couldn't stop thinking about how helpless he felt. He also thought about how similar Sebastian looked to the Flash actor, Grant Gustin, who played Barry Allen.

"You know, you kinda look like Barry." Pointed out Blaine.

Sebastian scoffed. "Please, we look nothing alike."

"That's true, Barry is much more handsome." Smirked Blaine.

"He's... not that attractive." (A lie, Grant is very attractive) Defended Sebastian playfully.

Blaine snorted. "Yeah, and I'm the queen of England."

"You know what, Anderson?" Bas challenged with a smug look.

"What, Smythe?" Blaine grinned.

"Can't remember." Seb shrugged innocently, and kissed Blaine.

"Get a room." Cooper rolled his eyes as he walked in.

"Uh, we do have a room, you interrupted us." Blaine replied pointedly. He saw Seb bite back a laugh.

"Whatever, Squirt. Time to go." Cooper motioned to the door.

Blaine groaned. "Right, family dinner. I totally forgot."

"I thought you would, that's why I'm here. I'll be in the car. Nice to see you again Sebastian." Cooper waved, then left.

"I can cancel." Offered Blaine.

"No, you should go. I'll be fine." Seb smiled.

"You sure?" Blaine raised his eyebrows.

Bas nodded. "Yeah, go be with your family."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow after work." Blaine put on his shoes and blazer after kissing Sebastian good bye.

Blaine walked out of the hospital to Cooper's car.

"Hey Squirt." Greeted Cooper.

"Stop calling me that." Muttered Blaine.

Sebastian's POV

The spot next Sebastian felt empty, probably because it was. He glanced at the journal beside his bed in agony. Why couldn't it have been me? I deserve it, she didn't. Broken, bully, bitc*, bad guy. Not even Genevieve herself could convice him otherwise. Sebastian sighed, defeated by grief.

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