Chapter 11

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I'm back! I mean I wasn't really gone, but ya know. It also turns out I cut the whole piano lesson thing, oops. I also cut out like the whole middle of the episode, I didn't mean to, but it's fine. Anyways, enjoy, like and comment!



Blaine's POV

When Vocal Adrenaline was finished, Sue Sylvester walked onto stage.

"Vocal Adrenaline, everybody. Asolutely breathtaking, huh? I am here to inform all three teams, that I, Sue Sylvester, will be judging this year' McKinley High Show Choir Invitational. " Sue announced.

"What? That's crazy!" Exclaimed Mr Shue, indignant.

"I run this school now. My school, my rules." Declared Sue. "And speaking of rules, I would like to outline the rules foot this year's Invitational."

Mr. She protested, "Wait Sue, you can't change the rules after one team has already preformed."

"Sure I can," Shrugged Sue. "Rule number one: this year's theme is 'old school'. Rule number two: there are no more rules. The Dalton Academy Warblers will preform tomorrow, and the New Directions will preform the following day."

"Wait, this is a three day compition?" Asked Landon, a new Warbler.

"Where will we sleep?" Added Tanner.

"Well, I imagine you two will sleep inside one another." Landon and Tanner opened their mouths to protest, but then decided against it. "I've chosen to extend the Invitational in an effort to give the New Directions enough time to come up with the requisite 12 members, which is the only show choir rule anyone remembers, yet every year is surprised by."

Kurt sighed. "This is insane, we should all boycott."

"Oh, no, no, no, Porcelain. This is happening. Each team will preform at this Invitational. Even if one show choir's co-director is kidnapped, and help against his will, causing him to miss the preformance." Sue then dragged the microphone off the stage dramatically.

'That was weirdly specific.' Blaine thought as he walked out of the auditorium. 'And where will my guys sleep?' Just then, Kurt walked out of the auditorium.

"Hey can I talk to you Kurt?"

Kurt nodded. "What's up Blaine?"

"Do you think the Warblers could stay in the choir room? We could get blankets and pillows from both of our houses, and Rachel's too." Suggested Blaine.

"Good idea, I'll go get them right now. Oh and full disclosure, I met a really nice guy named Walter, and we've gone out a couple times."

Blaine smiled. "I'm really happy for you, Kurt, that's amazing."

"Thanks. I'll drop the stuff in the choir room." Kurt waved as he left. Blaine quickly told Rachel the plan, who quickly agreed. He also told the Warblers the plan, then drove to his house to get the sleeping stuff. Blaine got the guys settled, the drove to the hospital, eager to see Sebastian.

"God, it's been a long day." Blaine muttered to himself as he walked to Sebastian's hospital room.

"Hey, Killer!" Greeted Seb happily.

Blaine grinned back. "Hello Bas, been lonely?"

"Desperately, oh who will save me from this boredom?" Sebastian faked a swoon. Blaine chuckled.

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