Chapter 10

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What's up y'all? Okay, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to Sebastian, 😬. This isn't gonna be pretty, read at your own risk. Also I would like to say that my characters thoughts and words belong solely to them, I just write what I think my character would think/say. Best of luck!




Blaine's POV

Blaine was elated. He was at a comfortable place in life. He was moving in with the man of his dreams, and he was truely in love. Today, he also was going to an Invitational at McKinley to prove just how adept he was at teaching.  Blaine's kids were so excited, and determined to do well.

Sebastian Smythe: Good luck at invitationals!

Blaine Anderson: Thanks! Love you!!

Sebastian Smythe: Love you too!!

Blaine wished Seb could be there, but he had to pack after school. The boys left after school, and the bus ride to McKinley was full of laughter and impromptu songs. When they arrived at the school Blaine had the Warblers warm up while he talked to Kurt and Rachel. 'Yay.' The prospect of talking to his ex wasn't a cheerful one, but he had to.

"Hi!" Greeted Rachel. Blaine said 'hi' back, while Kurt stayed silent.

"So let's go through the rules, we decided there's no judges, this is basically for bragging rights. But still, my guys are taking this pretty seriously. Oh, and I was hoping we could go second, if that's alright with you." Both Rachel and Kurt nodded in agreement. Blaine continued on, "By the way, how is filling up of your roster going?"

"It's an invitational, we don't have follow the strict show choir rules." Replied Kurt.

Blaine shrugged, and cautioned, "This might not be a great idea for your team."

"We just want to give them a sense of what to expect as Sectionals, and you know we were also hoping that you and Mr. Shuester would take it easy on us." Said Rachel hopefully.

"Oh, uh, no, sorry. The Warblers are being rebuilt, just like The New Directions. I'm sorry, but I'm their teacher and it's my job to-" Blaine was interrupted by his phone buzzing. The name said 'Seb ❤'. Blaine smiled as he answered,

"Hey Seb!"

"Blaine..." Sebastian's voice was weak and trembling.

Blaine furrowed his eyes at the sound. "Sebastian?" His heart was slowly sinking, heavy with worry. Blaine heard a cough and then Sebastian said,

"I'm at my house... I need help B-" Sebastian trailed off into coughing. Blaine went into full, hysterical panic.

Blaine replied instantly, "I'm coming right now." He got a feeble thanks in return and quickly hung up the phone.

Blaine's voice was uneven as he said, "I-I-I have to go."

"What, where, why?" Kurt asked, confused. Rachel look equally puzzled.

"S-Seb's in trouble, I don't know what happend!" Blaine chocked out before he rapidly exited the auditorium. He barely heard Kurt and Rachel follow him.

"Wait Blaine!" Called Rachel. Blaine was shaking as he opened his car door.

"What?" Snapped Blaine. "Sorry, I -I just have to go."

"At least let us drive you." Protested Kurt.

"Fine." Blaine was too anxious to drive anyways. His heart wouldn't stop pounding and his hands were shakey. Kurt got in the front seat and Rachel got in the back with Blaine. Blaine heard himself give the address to Kurt. Rachel rubbed his arm gently, but Blaine was too numb to feel it. 'What if we get there too late? What happened? Who did it? Was it his dad?' A million questions raced through his head.

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