Chapter 1 Part 2

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So, I normally wouldn't split a chapter in two, but... this time I guess I did. So I'm back for a while now, and I hope you like it! P.S. Thanks for reading!


'Real smooth Romeo!' He silently kicked himself for his stupidity.

"Hi. Hello." Blaine chuckled nervously as he went in for an awkward, stiff hug. Kurt took a deep breath and decided to get straight to the point.

"Um, I-I appreciate you coming to see me. I-I would understand if you told me to screw off." Kurt chocked out. Again with that damn stutter!

"No!" Blaine reassured him. "No, no. I've wanted to see you, uh..." Kurt felt a surge of confidence at that and decided to get the point.

"Well I-I am here to get you back!" Kurt confessed, confidently beaming at his ex-lover. "I-I don't mean to blurt it out like that, but f-for the sake of clarity you should know that first I'm going to get your forgiveness," Kurt felt even more confident and covered Blaine's hand in his own. Blaine's hand was bigger than his own, Kurt being built lighter. "And-and I'm gonna get your heart back." 

Blaine searched Kurt's eyes for a second, as if he was looking for a sign that this whole conversation was a mean prank. Then he looked down at the table and took a shallow breath and revealed, "Um, I'm seeing someone." Blaine removed his warm hand out from under Kurt's right before he said that. But Kurt's hand wasn't the only thing that was cold. Kurt's whole body felt  a cold, icy dread fill his body.

'Don't cry. Be cool.' As if thinking that would stop him. He still couldn't stop the smile from leaving his face though. 'Smile, oh God. I'm gonna be sick!'

"And I... I wanted to tell you in person, especially because you know him." Blaine admitted carefully. 'Please don't say Sebastian Smythe!' Kurt hated Sebastian with every bone in his body, which was unusual because he tried to see the best in everyone, even Karofsky, but not Sebastian. He tried to steal Blaine from Kurt and put Blaine in the hospital. Kurt feared Sebastian was the one who picked Blaine up after Kurt dumped him.

Just then, speak of the Devil, Sebastian Smythe said, "Uh, hey Kurt." Dread and anger pooled in Kurt's stomach, along with a whole load of shock. He couldn't believe Blaine would actually date someone as horrible as Sebastian Smythe. Sebastian kissed Blaine on the cheek and Kurt felt ice seeping into his heart.

"I knew this would be a little weird for you, to be honest with you it was a little weird for me at first too." 'It's a living nightmare!' Kurt was still not sure how to react, and didn't want to make a scene but he could feel red hot anger melting through his frozen body.

"What? No, it's-it's not weird at all." Kurt claimed trying to resist the urge to punch Sebastian in his despicable toucan face. "No. Uh, so how did you two meet up again?"

"Well, um, it was a few months ago when I came back to Lima, I was feeling a little bit out of place, so I headed to Dalton to see if I could coach the Warblers. It turned out Sebastian was a French teacher there, and he was the one to interview me. You see at Dalton the teachers take turns interviewing potential job candidates. We also have been keeping in touch through text for a while as well." Blaine replied with a small smile on his face.

"Fun!" Kurt lied through clenched teeth.

"Yeah! We got to talking, mostly... mostly about you. I was just so angry with what had happened, and it was mostly me venting about the breakup." Blaine explained seriously. 

"But I reminded him, you know, how much you helped me change my dickish behavior in high school. You might not have been gentle, but I think that's what I needed to become a better person" Sebastian said earnestly. 'I doubt you've changed you stupid criminal chipmunk!' Thought Kurt bitterly.

"Anyway, we got to talking, hanging out, and... here we are!" Blaine shrugged a lot while talking, but Kurt knew Blaine was playing down his emotions and what happened for Kurt's benefit. 

"Here we are!" Sebastian repeated putting one of his lanky arms around Blaine's shoulders. That reminded Kurt of the first time he met Sebastian at the Lima Bean. He remembered he had put a protective hand around Blaine's hand when he saw the Warblers sitting with Blaine. 'Ugh! I'm gonna be sick! I'm gonna be sick! I'm gonna throw up! And when did Blaine forget all the things Sebastian did to us and the Glee club?!'

"I know this isn't what you wanted. And I know this isn't going to be easy, but I just wanted all of us to be adults about this." Said Blaine.

"And I'm hoping we can be friends." Sebastian suggested tentatively. "You know, we can all hang out and stuff"

Kurt gave a false laugh and said, "Sounds like fun! Um if-if you'd excuse me, I have to use the restroom." As Kurt walked away he felt nausea and tears build up. He stumbled into the bathroom, locked the stall door and began to sob. He slid down the snakeskin patterned wall. Kurt felt like he was drowning and heavy sobs racked his body. 'How could I be so stupid to think Blaine would want me back? And Sebastian?' Knowing Sebastian was the one Blaine chose stung more than the actual rejection. He'd thought Blaine was the love of his life, but Blaine had never looked at Kurt the way he looked at Sebastian. This is what Kurt was afraid of all those years ago. All he knew was that he had to fight to get his soulmate back, and he was fully willing to fight Sebastian Smythe. Only one problem, Blaine didn't want him back.


Hiya! So this is the second part of the first chapter, hope you liked it! This fic will switch POVs, just so you know. I'll see you soon!


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