Chapter 5

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Hi! Sorry this took so long, I wasn't quite sure how to write this chapter. Also sorry if this is terrible. There is talk of abuse and actual abuse so if you don't want to read you don't have. I would recommend reading this chapter, it's very important for Sebastian and Blaine. The POV does switch around a bit, so just make sure to keep track of who's POV it is. One reminder, singing is in italics. Okay, enjoy this chapter!



Sebastian's POV

Sebastian had a secret. Everyone did, but his was bigger than you're average secret. He didn't share much of his past and family, unless he was bragging. Sebastian did that, boasted about the fact that his father was a State's Attorney, about the fact that he spent his summers in France, about how rich his family was. But all the money in the world can't but love. Sure, he didn't brag anymore, but by the time he stopped he had it perfected into an art. Sebastian found ways to casually drop things into conversations, but tastefully. In reality his family and home life wasn't anything special, quite the oppisite. He just wasn't sure if he could tell Blaine the reality of his family.

Tonight, he was going over to Blaine's house, and the goal was to tell Blaine the whole truth. About his father, mom, everything. 'If only it was that easy.' Thought Sebastian with a heavy feeling in his heart.

Sebastian got into his car, and turned it on. His stomach turned over several times before he began to drive. Sebastian turned on the radio, and got an idea. 'Maybe song can help me talk to Blaine...'

Ding Dong! Sebastian rang the doorbell to the Anderson household nervously. Blaine's mother Pam opened the door with a smile. "Oh hello Sebastian!"

Sebastian replied with a strained, "Hey Mrs. Anderson!" and entered the house tensely. He slid off his converse and climbed the stairs to Blaine's room on the second floor. Sebastian's hands shook as he held onto the railing going upstairs.

"Hey Killer." Greeted Sebastian. He tried to keep his heart from beating out of his chest by taking a deep breath.

Blaine stood up and kissed his boyfriend. Sebastian tentatively kissed Blaine back. When Blaine pulled away he gave his boyfriend an odd look. "Are you okay Bas?" Asked Blaine. Sebastian shook his head and answered with a solemn,

"We have to talk."

Third Person's POV

Blaine frowned at that. 'We need to talk is never a good conversation starter.'

"You know my parents, right?" Asked Sebastian in a level voice. Blaine furrowed his eyebrows.

"Of course I do, you're mom is the best! Her brownies are legendary." Replied Blaine.

Sebastian tenitively queried, " And you know my dad?"

"Yeah, I do Seb... what about your dad." Countered Blaine. The shorter boy had confusion on his face as he wondered, 'Where's this going?'

Sebastian had a solemn look on his face as he quitely explained, "My dad and I were never close, we still aren't. He had some problems with me coming out of the closet until my mom talked some sense into him. He's always cold and never hesitates to point out my flaws. My dad also has a major drinking problem, and is also a major dick.  But the biggest problem; well the biggest problem is... he can only say 'I love you'... with his fists." Blaine felt stuned as his boyfriend revealed this and it took a could seconds for the words to sink in.

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