Chapter 2

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Sebastian's POV

Sebastian and Blaine sighed in unison as Kurt walked away to 'go to the bathroom'. Sebastian sneered, "You know he's probably crying his eyes out, not going to the bathroom, right?" He regretted saying that the second it came out of his mouth. Sebastian looked down quietly and said, "Sorry, habit."

"It's fine Seb, I know you've been working on it." Blaine nodded with a small smile. Sebastian appreciated that Blaine knew he was trying to clean up his act, and was it working for the most part, but sometimes things just came out of his mouth like word vomit. He was also a little nervous when Blaine told him Kurt wanted to meet up, even though he knew Blaine liked him. The question was did he like Kurt more. Sebastian was fully aware of Kurt and Sebastian's past. He knew while it was complicated, the two usually got together when they broke up.

"So how did you think that went?" Asked Sebastian in a level voice. As eager as he was to hear Blaine's response, he was dreading Blaine would want to leave him after seeing Kurt.

Blaine replied in an equally level voice, "I... think it went... fine." Sebastian made a noise of disbelief, as if he doubted that was Blaine's true thoughts. And Sebastian did doubt his boyfriend thought the whole interaction went 'fine'.

"Uh huh, now how do you really think that went?" Sebastian asked pointedly, raising his eyebrows. Blaine scoffed at the fact Sebastian could read him so well.

Blaine sighed and said, "It went terrible Bas! I just want Kurt and I to be done romantically, and just be friends again. And I can't believe he has the guts to say he wants me back after he was the one who broke off the engagement!" Sebastian gave him a small sympathetic smile and gave him a tight squeeze around the shoulders.

"Do you want him back?" Inquired Sebastian carefully. Sebastian's stomach clenched and waited for the blow. The past couple months have been like heaven but the whole time Sebastian was waiting for the other shoe to drop, he knew it would, it always did. Blaine was far too good for him, it was just a matter of time before Blaine realized it too. Sebastian held his breath as he waited for his boyfriend's response.

Blaine looked at Sebastian incredulously and immediately responded with, "No!" Blaine turned to his boyfriend and looked him straight in the eyes. "Listen to me carefully Sebastian; I don't love Kurt anymore. He's in the past, and he will never come between us, ever! Do you understand Bas?" Sebastian sighed and nodded.  The pair smiled at each other, and Blaine kissed Sebastian right on the lips. Sebastian loved the way Blaine kissed him, it was gentle, yet passionate. Blaine wasn't really afraid of intimacy, Sebastian was. 'How did I get someone as amazing as Blaine?' Sebastian thought, marveling at the fact that Blaine chose him. Sebastian grabbed his boyfriend's hand and they walked out, smiling at each other like idiots. As they got into the car all Sebastian could think of was how this was truly the beginning of their relationship.

Unbeknownst to the happy couple, someone was watching them the whole time they left. Kurt squeezed the tears out of his eyes and scowled with jealousy written all over his face. "I will get you back Blaine." Kurt vowed angrily.


I hoped you liked this chapter, and I also would like you to know it's rare for me to post a chapter two days in a row. Or maybe it's not, who knows. It probably depends on the amount of writers block I have. Thank you all for reading, I know it's kinda trash, but it's Seblaine so... here you go! See ya soon!


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