Chapter 23

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Hello!! Holy frak, this is so late. I'm so sorry!!! I know school is a lame excuse, but school has been busy and I've had a tiny case of ✨writers block✨. Anyways, hope you like it!



Blaine's POV

Blaine smiled at Sebastian as he drove. It was probably unsafe to be distracted like that while driving, but he really didn't care. It was Thanksgiving, and he was incredibly thankful for his boyfriend. He remembered the Thanksgiving he and Kurt were broken up. The year the Warbles cheated at Sectionals. He felt like he nothing to be grateful for. This year, it was the opposite.

"Red light, Blaine!" Warned Sebastian.

Blaine slammed on the brakes, barely avoiding crashing into the car in front of them. "Oops."

"And that, Killer, is why we keep our eyes on the road." Sebastian reprimanded teasingly.

"Right, sorry." Blaine turned his eyes to the road.

"Any reason you're so distracted?" Sebastian asked with an arched brow.

"I'm just... happy. And thankful. And ready to eat." Informed Blaine.

"Me too." Agreed Sebastian.

Blaine beamed as they pulled up to his house. The pair was welcomed in with hugs and smiles.
The night was full of laughter, easy conversation, and delicious food. There was a slight language barrier because Soleil couldn't speak English well, but Sebastian was an excellent translator. By the end of the night Blaine felt even closer to Sebastian, and his family as well as Blaine's own.

Blaine now knew Sebastian's first word, the pattern on the walls in Sebastian's nursery, and the number on Sebastian's first T-Ball jersey. He had no idea Sebastian had ever done T-Ball, and now he did. He was glad he invited Sebastian and Soleil. He felt like they were becoming part of his family, or rather, always were.

"You seem happy," His mom commented after Sebastian and Soleil drove home.

"I am." Blaine smiled mostly to himself.

Blaine had the same smile on his face when he went to bed. These past couple years had been a rollercoaster full of ups and downs. He knew the future would be hard, but he knew he could get through anything with Sebastian and his family by his side.

Friday Morning A.K.A. The Day After Thanksgiving...

Sebastian's POV

Sebastian walked into Blaine's house, his mind preoccupied.

"Hi, Seb." Blaine greeted him with a kiss.

"Hey, Killer." Sebastian grabbed Blaine's hand, and let his boyfriend lead him up the stairs. Blaine flopped down on his bed, and Sebastian sat next to him.

"You okay?"

"Hmm? Yeah." Sebastian ran a distracted hand through his hair.

"Really?" Blaine smiled skeptically.

Sebastian let out a breath. "Sorta, I don't really know. My mom asked me to sing at my dad's funeral."

"Is that a bad thing?" Blaine asked, his voice gentle and curious.

Sebastian wasn't sure if he should say the truth. "I...I don't know what to sing." He settled for a half lie.

"If you want I could help you find a song, or listen to what you already have?" Blaine offered.

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