To Glory

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Episode Three

Hazel was sitting on her porch, writing poetry. It was her passion, and it seemed to be stronger when she was in love.

She didn't have a light, her only light source was the moon itself. She was writing how she felt at a fast rate.

She felt uneasy for some reason. She turned around, but saw nothing. She stood up and walked to the street.

"Hazel." Yelled Roak.

She turned and saw Roak walking up to her. She walked up to him, in a hurry.

"Roak I need to tell you something."

"Hazel, I love you." He beats her to it.

"I love you too. And I wanted to know if you'd be my boyfriend? " She asked.

He kissed her, without any hesitation. He then stopped, even though he didn't want to.

"Did that answer you love? " He asked.

"I believe so." She smiled.


Hazel sits up in Roak's bed. She looks down at him, sleeping. It was a dream just like the other ones. It bothered her she kept dreaming of the past. She could feel an end near.

‡The New Borns‡

"Damn these cereal companies. It's always the same prize." Syndrick says, pulling out a plastic dinosaur from the box.

"I guess you hate Cracker Jacks then." Hazel said.

"Stickers shouldn't count as a prize, but a disappointment to children everywhere." Syndrick answers.

"I have a plan." Godrick walks in.

"Oh lovely, do tell." Valeska eats her breakfast consisting of eggs covered in A positive.

"We split up and search for Josef again, but we split the city up into quadrants. That way no one covers the same spot twice." He answers.

"Okay, who goes where?" Roak was intrigued.

"Valeska will cover the south west quadrant with Khlovis. That way she can break the news to him. You and I will cover the north west quadrant. Hazel and Syndrick cover the north east quadrant. Then tonight we meet up at the final one, south east, together and search. That way we've covered the whole city." Godrick explains to Roak.

"You know, it's not an entirely bad idea. I say we do it." Hazel says.

"Easy for you to say, you don't have to break a poor lad's heart." Valeska rolls her eyes.

"Alright, let's do it." Roak agrees.


Valeska and Khlovis scan the hospital in their quadrant. It is draped in all white and is depressing.

"Why are we at a hospital?" Valeska asked.

"Because Josef could be harboring Lazarus here to fool us all. You walk around, I'll check the incubation room." Khlovis leaves her in the hallway.

She hears talking that really touches her heart. She follows the voice back to a cancer patient girl's room. Valeska walks into the room.

"How are you this morning, Miss Rachel?" The nurse asked the girl.

"I guess I'm good. Still traumatized from last night I think." The girl answered.

The nurse left the room to go get some medicine. Valeska walked over to Rachel bedside. She noticed Valeska.

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