To Kill a Pure Blood

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Episode Eight

Hazel and Isaac went out on a road trio since Isaac had just gotten back to town after a visit to California to see his grandmother. In that time, the two's friendship had faded and Hazel wanted to rekindle it.

They go down the highway in Isaac's 1987 comaro. The green paint had faded and began to peel off.  The car was mostly covered in a bronze rust.

“How's Luna been? ” Isaac asked.

Hazel bit her bottom lip. She forgot to inform Isaac on Luna's dark activities with Alice.

“I don't know. I try not to talk to her.” Hazel said.

“What? Why? You guys have been friends since pre-k. You can't throw a friendship like that away.” Isaac convinced Hazel.

“I'm not the one who threw it away. She did.”

“How? ”

“Too many ways to explain. But the main one is she helped Alice try to kill me and my Aunt Dora.”

“Kill you.... Does that mean.....??”

“Yes, I am a vampire.” Hazel broke it to him.

“Who turned you? ” Isaac asked.

“That's the funny thing, they won't tell me. I know it isn't Valeska, so it's either Roak or Godrick.”

“Who the hell is Godrick? ”

“Roak and Valeska's brother.”

The car then flipped over, sliding across the road. The scraping of the metal against the asphalt hurt Hazel's ears.

When the car stopped, Hazel and Isaac exited the car and looked around. Jade stood tall and firm a few yards away.

“Jade! ” Isaac yelled.

“You know her? ” Hazel was shocked.

“Yeah, she tried to kill Dominik when he refused to give her werewolf back-up.”

“You know Dominik? ”

Isaac then shifted into a grey wolf and charged at Jade. She used her powers to throw him to the side. Hazel ran up and bit Jade's neck.

Her blood was bitter, almost like Hazel had drank gasoline. She releases her fangs from Jade blood and spits it out.

“Bitch gonna die today.” Jade smiled.

Nothing happened. Jade's ability to inflict pain was useless. They had no effect on her. Why?

“Yeah, you.” Hazel said as she ripped Jade's throat open.


“Why can't I go home? I'm sure my parents are concerned about me.” Irene complained.

“Because, with Jade on the loose we need all the help we can get. Especially from a pure blood.” Lillith explained.

“Well now you've got three.” Said a familiar female voice.

Lillith turned around and saw Alice, the root of all their problems. Lillith stood up and showed Alice her fangs to frighten her off. Obviously Lillith didn't know Alice.

“That's not how you treat your ally.” Alice said playfully.

“Get her away! She killed me! ” Irene cried.

“I didn't kill you. I gave you a new life so Dominik could feast on you instead of me.” Alice reminded her.

“That sounds worse than killing her.” Lillith stated.

“I'm sorry, I didn't know the Corridors were hosting a vampire slut. Who are you?” Alice asked.

“Lillith Green. I'm a family friend.”

“Oh! I know you. You were Syndrick's lover and first project.” Alice remembered.

“Why do you of all people want to help us?” Irene asked.

“Because the little Jade bitch destroyed my Malibu beach house, and Eliza is a traitor. Why wouldn't I want revenge? ” Alice answered.

“Well okay Barbie, you can help. We need to kill Jade and Eliza before they kill us. Can you manage that? ” Lillith asked.

“Killing people? That's my specialty. I'll need Irene's assistance of course.”

“I'm in.” Irene answered.


Valeska and Godrick sit in their personal library at the Corridor Mansion. They read through ancient books in hopes of finding a cursed blood's weakness. Then Hazel walks in.

“Well there's Bella! ” Valeska laughed.

Hazel looked at Godrick and saw him smile. Valeska must have told him about the other day with Ethan. She grew embarrassed and turned red.

“Shut up. Turns out Jade and Eliza went to Dominik asking for werewolf troops. It's like they are planning to take us all down.” Hazel informed them.

“Did Dominik accept it? ” Godrick asked.

“No, that's why Jade flipped Isaac's car over. He is in the ballroom putting ice on his head. Ask him yourselves.” She answered.

Valeska walked out and closed the door behind her. Godrick walked over to Hazel and stared at her with awe.

“I heard about Ethan and you.” He said.

“I was hoping you didn't. ”Hazel admitted.

“I'm glad I found out.” He grinned.

“Why? ”

“Because now I know I can do this.”

Godrick pulled her in and kissed. She was so lost in the kiss and how much she loved it that she didn't push away. She enjoyed the moment, hoping it would never end.

She didn't even care about Roak at the moment. He was actually the last thing on her mind. She only cared about Godrick. She loved him. She could no longer deny her feelings.

She never knew that things between them would ever escalate this far. Although, she felt that way when she hallucinated them making out. Hallucinated.

She shook her head and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she was alone. Godrick wasn't there. It was another hallucination.

She was disappointed, but confused at the same time. Why did she keep having these imaginary fantasies occur?


Jade walked in the middle of the road, trying to stay on the yellow lines. She couldn't do it though.

Her mind was too clouded. She touched her neck wound that Hazel inflected on her. It was healing, but not without the pain.

Someone began to whistle a tune that Jade knew. She quickly pivoted around, searching for the source. She saw it. Alice.

“Well if it isn't Alice.” Jade said with a smirk.

“And me.” Irene said, walking into the light casted by the street light.

“Irene, pain! ”

“Jade, pain! ” 

The two fell to the ground, staying focused on killing the other. Alice backed away from the two and smiled. She made a move that ruined everything.

“Irene, Jade, die.” Alice said aloud.

The two girls began to shake violently. They were having a severe seizure. So bad to were foam came out of their mouths. They dropped dead.

The New Borns, end of episode eight.

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