Dawn of the Dead

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Episode Four

Hazel runs down the hallways of Salsburg High School. The only light was that from the crescent moon. She was profusely sweating and could barely breathe.

He was coming. She saw him and he was scary. He had a scar across his face. He had long jet black hair that was jelled back. His gray eyes hinted of a new evil that she had never witnessed before.

She ran into the chemistry classroom and locked the door. Somehow, this nightmare had disabled her vampire powers.

She turned to face the classroom, only to see him standing there. He began to laugh hysterically and approach her. She slid down to the ground, but he pulled her back up.

He viciously began to kiss her. She tried to punch him, but she had randomly become paralyzed. He was kissing her for so long, she was losing her breath. Then he pulled away.

“Bastard! ” Hazel cried.

“I take what I want, Hazey. Soon, you'll be mine. I promise.” He grinned.

“Who the hell are you?! ” She demanded.

“Malakai Black.” He answered.

“What do you want from me? ” A tear dripped off her nose.

“I told you, I am going to claim you. It'll be soon, but in the mean time, keep this as a token of my love.” He took his fingernail and made it grow sharp. He then dug it into her arm.

She screamed and the pain was agonizing. Then, she woke up, sweating and crying.

~The New Borns~

“That's a really vivid nightmare.” Gretchen said to Hazel as they walked to their cars.

“Yeah, but I did get his name.” Hazel retorted.

“And? ”

“Malakai Black. He said he was coming to claim me.”

“What are you, land? ”

“I'm terrified.”

“Why? It was just a dream.” Gretchen asked.

Hazel rolled her sleeve up for Gretchen to see. There it was, a long deep cut in her skin. It wasn't healing. It was scarring.

“What the?! Is that—” Gretchen began.

“Yeah. It came from the dream. Its like he was Freddy Krueger or something. Scared me shitless.” Hazel answered.

“I am going to the library, you wanna come with me? It might get your mind off of Malakai. ” Gretchen asked.

“No thanks, I have to meet up with someone for business purposes.” Hazel said.

“Who? ” Gretchen asked.

“Someone you don't know. But first I need to find Alice.” Hazel smirked.


Alice walks down the streets of Salsburg, carrying four shopping bags. Her devious smile was showing her pride.

She walks into a coffee shop that sold outragously high priced drinks. She gets the drink and sits at a table. Then her phone rings— the caller, Azalea.

“What do you want?” Alice moaned.

“To know where you are.” Azalea snapped back.

“What am I? A toddler at chucke-E-cheeses? I'm a big girl, I can manage myself.” Alice retorted.

“A big girl with a lot of enemies and a huge ego. Get back to the hotel now.” Azalea instructed.

“Oh my, I'm so terrified. That was sarcasm in case you didn't know. You're just really old, thought I'd tell.” Alice rolls her eyes.

“Witches created vampires. We are way stronger and you know that. In case you didn't know, you're a vampire. So, get yourself back here now.”

“Alright, Alright, fine. But just for being hateful, I'm keeping that scarf that I stole of an old women for you.” Alice whined.

She hung up the phone and turned around. She walked out and saw one of her enemies; Hazel.

“Bella? What a dishonor.” Alice chuckled.

“Shut up.” Hazel snapped Alice's neck.


Edith waits near the Salsburg quarry. She wears a black church dress, high heels, and a large hat that would normally be seen on a baptist woman on Sunday.

Hazel becomes visible, dragging a body bag behind her.

“Hazel, darling! Its about time! This little town of yours is retched and reeks of cow manure.” Edith walked over.

“That's my town that I know and love. Sorta. Here she is, all in one piece for you.” Hazel said.

“Ah, indeed. She looks more pestful than I remember. Well, she is a Kasidiar I assume. Lovely darling, lovely!” Edith smiled.

“Now its your turn to reward me.” Hazel reminded her.

“Really? Must I? Can't we just consider it even?” Edith asked.

Hazel ran over and picked Edith up by her neck. She gasps for air, but Hazel tightens the grip.

“We made a deal. I kept my end, time for you to keep yours.” Hazel's tone was darker than usual.

“Fine.” Edith gasped.

Hazel dropped her and she caught her breath. She stood up and brushed herself clean.

“Do I look fabulous?” Edith needed approval.

“I assume. Do the spell.” Hazel responded.

“Okay, don't pester me child. Nam defuncto rediit. Alio loco de ipso.” She chanted.

“Well? Nothing happened.” Hazel was confused.

“She's not going to just magically appear here. She'll resurrect where her grave is.” Edith told her.

“In the Corridor Crypt. Thank you, thank you!” Hazel ran off.

“You won't be thanking me for long.” Edith grinned.


The crypt was ominous. You could hear dripping off in the distance and bats flying inside the place.

The torch she used for light kept going out, causing her to relight it over and over again. Then she reached Valeska's coffin.

She pulled it out and opened it. She laid there, looking as if she was still dead. Hazel poked her, but she didn't flinch.

“She didn't do the spell. She tricked me.” Hazel grew sad.

Then Valeska's pale skin gained color. She chest began to move up and down. She sits up quickly as inhales deeply.

“Valeska!” Hazel hugged her.

“How the bloody hell am I back?” Valeska asked.

“I had to pull a few strings, but all that matters is that your back.” She smiled.

Then they heard running. They stand up and brace themselves for what was coming. Gretchen.

“I knew it!” Gretchen yelled.

“What?” Hazel asked.

“Edith! You were working with her.” Gretchen confronted.

“So? It worked. Valeska is back and well.” Hazel retorted.

“Yes, but its the spell Edith performed. It gives one life and takes one. Lillith is dead Hazel. Edith tricked you.”

~The New Borns~

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