The Cartel

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Episode Seven

Godrick gets the nerve and walks over to her. She sits on the park bench, reading a literature book and marking it with a hot pink highlighter.

He sits next to her and smiles. She smiles back, then returns to her work. He thinks of what to say.

"Godrick Corridor." He holds out his hand.

"Emily Parker." She shakes his hand.

"Literature homework I see." He says.

"Yeah, my teacher can be a pain sometimes, but its okay. I'm good at this kind of stuff. Been doing it my whole life." She retorts.

"There you are! Are you cheating on me?!" Valeska walks over acting angry.

"Cheating?" Emily asked.

"Yes, he is my boyfriend! Its because of the baby isn't it? You don't want to accept your duties as a dad." Valeska shouts and everyone stares.

"I should go." Emily gets up and walks away.

"What the fuck?!" Godrick shouted at Valeska.

"Miss me?" She grinned.

‡The New Borns‡

Alice and Doranne raid Roak's refrigerator in search of food. They hadn't ate since they died, and they were hungry.

"I guess its a good thing I don't eat that stuff." Roak shrugs.

"Some of us do." Nora responds.

"Well to be honest, I think you're gonna be fine with out it." Alice mumbles with a mouth full of food.

"Are you calling me fat?!" Nora stood up.

"Look, let us not be hostile. We are both grateful for you all reviving us from the dead by killing Claudius." Doranne apologizes.

"What exactly is the plan for finding Hazel? Its been days." Roak becomes inpatient.

"And Gene, not everything is about precious Hazel." Nora barks.

"I'm gone for a week and you killed Claudius, brought these two back, and managed to lose Hazel and Gene. I guess excitement happens in my absence. " Valeska walks in the villa carrying her luggage.

"You're back from South Carolina fast. Why is that?" Roak asked and hugged her.

"Speaking of the dead coming back, our little enemy Jade was revived by the death of a witch. She is on baby watch now." Valeska smiled.

"Seems as if the dead have come to play." Roak says.

"Valeska!" Godrick walks in angrily.

"Oh joy, Godrick is home." Valeska giggled.

"What did you do to him?" Roak questioned.

"I was talking to a beautiful young lady, and Valeska scared her away." Godrick explained.

"Was it on purpose?" Roak asked Valeska.

"Well it sure as hell wasn't an accident. You have to admit, he deserved it. Treating us the way he did." Valeska says.

"Good job." Roak high-fived Valeska.

"Seriously, I've said sorry a thousand times. I just want to move on and Emily is a perfect way for me to do so." Godrick tells them with seriousness in his tone.

"Quit your whining, I did you a favor. She was mortal." Valeska says as she pulls out a bag of chips.

"Hazel was mortal when Roak brought her into this world." Godrick retaliated.

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