Coffin For Two

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Episode Ten- Season Finale

Hazel waits at the door for her father to arrive home from the hospital. After weeks of intensive care they were finally discharging him. Michael was suppose to pick him up and bring him back.

But that wasn't the only good thing happening on that day. It was the day of the homecoming football game. Hazel loved the cheering fans, fireworks, and best of all, being with her friends.

She decides to go inside and take the apple pie out of the oven. November was the best time for pies, in Hazel's opinion anyways. It was also her father's favorite pastry.

She heard the car pull up in the driveway. She sprayed air-freshener and fluffed the couch pillows one last time.

“We're home.” Michael yelled as he helped her father in the house that he hadn't been in since the fire. The fire only made damage in the kitchen, which was fixed rather quickly.

“Dad!” Hazel screeched as she gave him a big hug.

“Hazel! You seem different. Did you get a haircut? ” Her father asked.

“No, but everyone says I've changed.” Hazel answers, looking up and Michael who knew her secret.

“I love you both, I honestly do, but I am exhausted.” Her dad said.

“I made apple pie. Your favorite. Don't you want some? ” Hazel inquired.

“Put it in the fridge. When you get back from that game we'll put ice cream on it and it'll taste like heaven.” Her father stated.

He walked up the stairs with struggle. It was like watching a baby foul walk for the first time; exciting, but pitiful.

“Are we going to tell him about you being a vampire? ” Michael asked.

“Mike, he just got out of the hospital, his sister died, and he almost died. I don't think now is the best time to tell him.” Hazel said.

“He's your dad. He's got to know. He deserves to know.” Michael echoed.

“I didn't say I wouldn't tell him. Just not now.” Hazel told Michael.

“Why do you still hang around those Corridors? I mean they turned you into a vampire, caused stress on our family, and the one bit me. They are bad people.” Michael blurted.

“There is no such thing as good people. We are all bad. But there is a district line between bad and evil. The Corridors are not evil.” Hazel retorted.

“Whatever. I'm going to Sam's house and he'll take me to the game. See you there? ” He asked.

“Yeah. I'll be the one surrounded by dead people.” Hazel informed him.


The bleachers were already covered in fans. High school football was a big thing in Hazel's town. It's what brought the community together.

Hazel finds Gretchen who is talking to Ethan. Those two were like peas in a pod. Hazel walks up and leans on Gretchen.

“Tonight is going to be legendary. ” Hazel laughed.

“Yeah. Rarely do teens play football and sweat.” Gretchen snorted.

“I couldn't help but notice you and Godrick last night.” Ethan said, raising his eyebrows.

“Yeah, yeah. I haven't decided, but Godrick mad the decision harder for me last night.” Hazel confirmed.

Someone bumped into Hazel. She turned around to apologize, but stopped when she recognized them. It was Dominik Valentino.

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