Welcome to Hell

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Episode Four

Valeska runs into the hospital, grasping on to Aerik and Marlene's hand. They run until they see Roak, Gene, and Nora in a waiting room.

“I will kill all these damn witches, even if it leads to my death.” Valeska yells in Nora's face

“Hey!” Aerik hits Valeska.

“Oh shut up, incipios don't count. Why did you do this?” Valeska asks.

“We have to get Gene's powers back. The coven took them, and said noble acts must be performed. Ones that behoove the coven.” Nora says.

“Well, you better heal Hazel before I do your coven a huge favor and kill you two.” Valeska warns.

A loud beeping noise rings through the hallways and doctors run to Hazel and Alice's room. Everyone gets up and runs over. Their heart rates were at extremely high levels.

‡The New Borns‡

Hazel and Alice stand in Salsburg High's gym. The two stare at each other Ik amazement.

“What the hell am I doing in your dream?” Alice asked.

“I don't know.” Hazel answered.

This lights begin to flicker, then a huge lighting bolt lights up the gymnasium. They jump from the thunder.

“Wait a minute, aren't you being haunted by that nightmare incubus?” Alice shivered.

“Yeah, welcome to my hell.” Hazel says.

“Where is the bastard?”

“I don't know. He likes to scare me, then tries to rape me. That's how all the dreams work.”

“Well he's not raping me, that's for sure.”

“Don't flatter yourself, he only likes me.” Hazel walks into the hallway.

“Don't leave me alone! This place creeps me out.” Alice catches up.

They walk around the school, searching for him. But he couldn't be found. They see that the windows that lead to the courtyard read: Hazel Elizabeth Wilson

“That's not weird.” Alice makes a face at the writing.

“Tell me about it, his handwriting is atrocious. ” Hazel presses on.

“Alicianna Kasidiar!” Yells a male voice.

The girls turn to see Malakai at the other end of the hallway. He wears all black clothing and his hair seemed darker than usual.

“Chuck?” Alice says.

“You know him?” Hazel asked.

“Yeah, Madrid 1982. His name was Chuck back then.” Alice answered.

“You're dead!” He runs up and magically has a machete in his hands. He slashes her face while he jumps.

Alice and Hazel then spilt up and run separate ways.


Roak brushes Hazel's hair. He didn't like her having gravel in her hair from when they passed out in the parking lot.

A nurse walks into the room with a clipboard. His hair was a chestnut color and his eyes were dark. His beard was just coming in, but fastly. He was fairly young.

“Hi there, I'm Emerson Watson and I'm the nurse that'll take care of Hazel and Alice while they are in a coma.” He shakes Roak and Valeska's hands.

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