The Pure Blood

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Episode Six

Hazel wakes up and for once feels well rested. She gets out of the bed and walks down the stairs. Her aunt waits at the bottom of them, waiting for her.

“What's going on? Is dad passed out at another bar again? ” Hazel asked.

“Not hardly. I thought I'd spend the day with my niece. Family time.” She answers.

Hazel shrugs her shoulders and walks up the stairs to get dressed. Her aunt was odd, so this was a rare occasion.


They sit down at a table at the local Lord Hardwicks, a pub. Her aunt ordered French onion soup and buffalo wings for them.

“Hazel we need to talk.” She says.

“Sure. About what?” Hazel asked.

“Your boyfriend Roak, he seems charming. Mysterious too.” She begins.

“What are you trying to get at? ” Hazel asked

“I just think he is interesting. That and he is a very secretive vampire.”

Hazel's heart skipped a beat. Was this a dream or reality. How did her aunt know of the hidden world that surrounded them.

“I don't know–”

“Save the shit. Excuse my language. Don't act like your clueless. You and I both know what they are.” Her aunt interjected.

“How do you know what he is? ” Hazel asked.

“I have known about the supernatural world since I was little. I was a little more open minded than your father.” She says.

“That doesn't answer how you found out.” Hazel says.

“I was visited by a woman was I was younger. She warned me of the Corridors, and promised she'd protect us from them. After she left I met a girl who was a vampire, and we became friends.” She answers.

“What woman warned you? ” Hazel asked.

“She goes by the name Alice Kasidiar. Our ancestor. ”


Godrick walked up to Hazel,'s front door and knocked. He waited and waited until Michael answered the door.

“Can I help you? ” He asked.

“My name is Godrick Corridor. Is Hazel home? ”

“Nope. She went out with my mom. I can tell her you stopped by.” Michael said.

“No, that's fine.” Godrick said.

Michael closed the door and Godrick began to walk away. He stopped dead in his tracks. Something wasn't right.

He turned all around, but saw nothing. He continued to walk, but with caution. He knew that someone was there. He had a good feeling of who it was.

He looked back at the house, taking it in. Then he turned around and saw it. Dirty blond hair, brown eyes, pale skin.

“Hello Godrick. Long time no see.” She said.



“Alice? That's Roak's ex girlfriend? ” Asked Hazel.

“Yes. She is what we call a pure blood.” He aunt answered.

“What is a pure blood? ” Hazel asked.

“They are like witches and spellcasters, but with less restriction. They keep the balance in the supernatural world. Like police.”

“But Alice is evil. There is nothing pure about that. It seem counterintuitive. ” Hazel says.

“She acts that way to survive.” Her aunt answers.

“Survive? What is she running from? ”

“Many New Borns.”

“I thought only the Corridors were New Borns? ” Hazel asked.

“No. There is a New Born of everything. New Born vampires, werewolves, witches, spellcasters, pure blood, cursed blood. They all have leaders know as New Borns and Alice is hiding from them all.” Her aunt answered.

“Why doesn't she get other pure blood to help her then? ”

“Because she is the only one of her kind. As of now.”

“As of now? ”

“If you die, you too will be a pure blood.” Her aunt revealed.


“Why are you back in town, don't you know that Valeska will kill you in a heart beat? ” Says Godrick.

“I am not intimidated by that pathetic excuse for a New Born. I'm in town to collect the other pure blood.” Alice answers.

“If you think that you can come to this town and take Hazel without having to fight Roak and I, you're mad.” He warned.

“Awe, that's so sweet. You think you can protect her from her destiny. Obviously you don't know what I'm capable of.” Alice laughs.

Godrick runs up to her at superspeed and digs his hand into her chest cavity. He grasp onto her heart.

“Leave my town Alice.” Godrick yells in her face.

Then a jolting pain shoots throughout his whole body. He falls to the ground and his hand leaves her chest. She stands over him smiling.

“Your town? Its my town now. Gosh you're hot. TTYL as the hip teens say.” Alice laughs.


“Death activates it? ” Hazel asked.

“Death is the universal activator for the magic world. So yes, it does.” Her aunt answered.

“So you want me to activate it? ”

“Oh heavens no. I want you to be aware of what could happen. Hazel, your life will never be the same again.” Her aunt answered.


“Where the hell is he? ” Valeska asked Roak while they washed their dishes.

“Its Godrick, hard to tell.” Roak answered.

“Well I hope he hurries up. I want some blood from a human, but you won't drink with me.” She whined.

“I promised Hazel I wouldn't. I'll just drink blood donations or something.”

“Hazel. I still hate her.” Valeska says.

“Im sure she feels the same way about you baby sister.” Roak laughs.

“Ha-ha, so not funny.” She remarks.

“I thought it was hilarious.” Chimes a voice.

They turn around to see Alice. Valeska runs over to her, but falls to the ground, holding her head.

“Well hello to you too Valeska. Roakie!” Alice shrieked.

She ran over and hugged him. He then bit her neck and began to drink her blood. Then he too fell to the ground.

“Dont worry, I won't be long. I just wanted to tell you guys something. I'm going to turn Hazel into a pure blood. If any of you get in my way, you're dead. Bye.” She says.

She then slowly walks away. Then she turns around and smiles. “We are going to have a lot of fun. Just like in 1012."

The New Borns, end of episode six

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