Prank on Jake

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"So, what ever happened to that date of yours?" I ask Andie. "I never had one." She says. "What?" I ask. "I only said that because I was packing to fly here. And I didn't want you bothering me." She informs. "I probably wouldn't have messaged you anyway." I joke. "Rude." She scoffs.

Finally, arriving to the house, I pulled up to the gate and punched in the code. 6328 I entered. Driving in as the gate opened, I soon parked where I was able to.

"Big house." Andie murmurs, unbuckling her seatbelt. Smirking, I unbuckled and opened my door, locking my car on the way to the door.

Knocking on the door 3 times, I wait for an answer. After about 10 seconds, a voice shouts. "I'LL GET IT!" We listen. Soon after, the two of us hear a loud, hard thump on the door, as it shakes slightly. Andie and I look at eachother in concern, and confusion, waiting for the door to open.

We watch the door slide open slowly, seeing as Jake lays on the ground, and a pennybaord close to him. "Oh hey Jordan." He smiles, looking up at me. "Hey Jake." I say with a wave. "Hi Jordan's friend." He adds. "Hey." Andie waves shyly. Pulling the door open more, I step over him and walk inside, Andie following soon after. "You want some help up?" I ask. "Nah, I think I'll just lay here for a bit." He told. Shrugging my shoulders, I walked away with Andie still following close behind me.

"Who was that?" She whispers. "Oh, that's Jake. He doesn't live here but he's a good friend of theirs." I say. Nodding, Andie followed me into the living room where Aaron was sitting on the couch, buddy in his lap. As soon as the small dog saw us, he jumped off of Aaron's lap and ran to me. Jumping up and down at my legs, I bend down and began to give him pets. "Oh, hey Jordan." Aaron greets. "Hey." I say with a smile.

Me standing up, Aaron calls Buddy back to him. "Who's your friend?" He asks, pointing to Andie. "Oh, Aaron this is my friend Andie from back home. She came to visit me." I explained. "Oh, well Hi Andie, I'm Aaron." He welcomes, reaching out a hand. Andie quickly takes his hand and shakes it.

Andie had always been super shy when meeting new people. As well as me, but I feel like she's always had it a bit worse than I do. But she'd warm up to everyone soon, it would just take a bit. "Do you know where everyone else is?" I ask him. "Uh, well I don't know where Corey and Devyn are, but Elton is in the garage, and I think Sam and Colby are in their rooms." He speculates. "Alright, well I'm gonna go introduce Andie to everyone else." I say, walking toward the garage.

As we were about to turn the corner, I noticed Jake was still on the floor in the same spot, and position. "Andie, one sec." I say, walking over to Jake.

Standing over him, I noticed his eyes were closed, which meant he was asleep. Suddenly, I got a great idea. Quickly tiptoeing back into the living room, I told Aaron what I was thinking. "Jake is asleep on the floor, and I want to prank him. Will you help?" I whispered. Aaron stands up, and creeps around the wall, to find Jake still, asleep on the floor. "Yeah, sure." He laughs quietly. "Okay, but I want to record it." I say.

"Andie, come here." I whisper yell, aggressively motioning with my hands for Andie to come to us. "Aaron and I are gonna prank Jake, I want you to record it okay?" I advised. "Yeah, okay." She chuckles. Handing her my phone, I told Aaron my plan. "Okay, so why don't we drag him outside and like try and put his legs in the pool." I implied. "Yes, definitely." Aaron agrees.

I walk over to the back door, and quietly swing them both open. "Alright, grab his ankles, I'll grab his wrists." I tell, walking over to Jake. His legs were facing the door, so the two of us had to turn him around to get this to work. Aaron walked over and held his ankles, while I wrapped my hands around his wrists. "Okay, lift him up and then turn him around." I told.

Looking back at Andie, I gave her a nod of consent to begin recording. Lifting Jake up, Aaron and I began to turn him around. "Perfect." I say. "Okay, now walk." I ordered.

Slowly, Aaron and I began to carry the sleeping Jake outside, Andie following us with the phone.

Soon, we reached the backyard, where we set Jake on the concrete gently to take a quick break. "Okay, again." I said, lifting Jake back up. We both walk over to the outside of the pool, where we set Jake down. "Now just slide his legs in." I say. "Wait, what if he has his phone and stuff?" Aaron asked. "Oh, right. Okay hold on." I say. Bending down, I started patting Jake's pockets, only to find his phone. Taking it out, I set it on the ground and began to slide Jake toward the water carefully.

After about a minute of inching him closer and closer, I successfully got both his legs in the water. Surprisingly, he was still asleep.

"Why don't we just push all of him in?" I request. "Wait, I have a better idea." Aaron stated. Watching as he runs away, I see him bend down, and come back up with a bucket. "Oh shit." I laugh in a whisper. Aaron quietly running over, he scoops up water from the pool and hands me the liquid filled bucket. "Okay, you wake him up and as soon as he does I'll pour it on him." I say.

Aaron nodding, he bends down and begins to shake Jake by the shoulders. Watching as Jake eyes open abruptly, I smile widely, waiting just a bit more to pour the water. "Why am I-" Jake groans with interruption. Just before he finishes his sentence, I lean the bucket and pour it all over him.

"AAAH OH MY GOD!" Jake yells in confusion. Putting the now empty bucket down on the floor, Andie, Aaron and I laugh as Jake sits himself up, squinting at us all in confusion. "What the fuck?" He shouts in slight laughter. "Ahaha!" I cackled, holding my stomach. "I'm sorry, but I had to opportunity and I needed to take it." I laughed.

Soon all of us calming down, Aaron runs inside, coming back with a dry towel for Jake. "Thanks." He says to Aaron, taking the towel and wrapping himself in it.

Thankfully he wasn't mad, and he laughed along. But I was worried because now he'd probably try and find a way to get me back.

"Please send me the video." Jake chuckles. "Me too." Aaron agrees. "Okay, I will." I laugh. Aaron, Andie and I walk back into the house, while Jake stays outside for a bit longer to dry off in the sun. "Alright, Andie you wanna meet everyone else?" I ask in a sigh. "Yeah, sure." She says with a smile. "Alright, let's go say hi to Elton, then Sam and Colby." I say.

The two of us walk into the laundry room, me knocking on the door to make sure I can go in. "Come in!" Elton calls. Me opening the door, Elton looks at me in surprise.

"Oh, Jordan! I didn't expect you to be here." He says. "Yeah, I didn't either." I say. "But, I have someone I'd like for you to meet." I add.

Andie walks in from behind me, and waves at Elton shyly. "Elton, Andie. Andie, Elton." I introduce. "Hey, nice to meet you." Elton greets, holding out a hand. Andie shakes his hand, and steps back as she let's go. "It's nice to meet you too." Andie smiles. "Andie is my friend from back in Kansas, she came to visit so I wanted you all to meet." I say. "Oh, sick! Well I'd like to apologize in advance for everyone else, if you haven't already met them yet." He jokes. "I'll watch out for them." She chuckles. Smiling, I decide to interrupt their conversation. "Well, in gonna go introduce her to everyone else." I inform. "Alright then, have fun with that." Elton smiles.

Hey guys! So unfortunate news, but I think instead of posting a chapter every day, it will be in between every other day, and or everyday. So not each time will be every other day, some days it might be twice in a row, three days in a row, whatever. My last story I posted a chapter most everyday, which started getting difficult for me, and it's starting to be like that a bit again. So I hope everyone understands, and I'll see you all next chapter! Let me know what y'all like of the story so far!

Edit 5/27/21:
It's just occurred to me that this chapter is highly unrealistic but I'm still going to leave it in because attemptive murder is what we all thrive for 😁😁😁

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