Yesterday's Lunch

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  The past week has gone by pretty fast, or so it seems. Andie was going back to Kansas in less than 6 days, and I am worrying about how I'm going to pay for literal survival. Rent, food, my bills, gas, everything I need. I don't have a job anymore, so It's not like I have any new money coming in. I have to live with what I've got already.

  Another related problem, Colby still doesn't know and eventually I'm going to have to tell him. I said my boss gave me a week off, and it's been a little more than a week. Yesterday he started asking me about it.

"Hey Jordan, weren't you supposed to go back to work today?"

"When you go back, mind if I stop by?"

"Do you think your boss will be nicer to you?"

  Those were the types of questions he asked me. Well, not exactly those but something similar.

  Colby, Sam and I were all out at lunch yesterday, that's when he started bugging about it. Andie wanted to come but she had a headache so I let her stay back at the apartment.

  I didn't want to lie to Colby, but I felt like I had to. My being fired isn't his problem at all, and I don't want him to any of the others in the middle of it.

  Before, only Andie new about my job. Yesterday I shared the secret with another friend.

- Yesterday -

  "Hey, could you get the headache medicine from my suitcase?" Asks Andie. She had waken up with a pretty bad headache, and was laying on the couch with an ice pack.

  "Yeah sure, which one?"

  "It's the blue one." She groans.

  All her luggage was in the corner of my room, and she had two suitcases with her. One plastic rainbow one and the other was blue with some type of fabric on the outside. At least that's what I think it is. It's more like how the outside of a backpack is.

  I walked in my room and opened her suitcase, beginning to take even out and search for her medication.

As I got near the bottom, I still hadn't found the box, but I definitely found something.

  It was a vibrant pink color and it looked rubbery. I could only see part of it so I grabbed it and pulled it out from under the clothes. As soon as I saw the hole thing, I cringed in disgust and surprise. Instantly dropping it back, I began to yell.


  I instantly heard laughter blaring from the other room. Obviously she brought it, that's literally what I was just holding.

  It's not like I cared she had it with her, I just didn't want to be touching it. "I washed it don't worry!" She calls out in laughter.

  Once I looked back at the suit case, I saw the box of medicine sitting right under it. Wow, convenient isn't it. I thought.

  I grabbed the box and walked out of my room to Andie.

  "I swear to god if you use it on my bed or furniture. Use it in the bathtub or something." I chuckled.

  Andie smiled tiredly while popping a pill into her mouth. "When are the boys gonna get here?" She asks. "I don't know, but they should be here soon. It's just about 1:30." I answered, washing my hands.

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