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  Walking out of the garage, Andre and I head past the kitchen, and to the stairs. "Jordan." Andie pokes. "Hm?" I ask, stopping myself. "I have to use the bathroom, do you know where one is?" She asks. "Oh, yeah right behind you in that door." I tell her, pointing to the 24 PeePee room.

  I seriously loved that they called it that, I don't know why but it was just great. "Cool, I'll be back." She says to me, walking quickly towards the door. As Andie hides in the bathroom and closes the door, I decided I'd go say hi to Colby and let him know we are here, since I forgot to text him.

  Walking upstairs, I headed up to the second floor and into the hallway leading to Sam and Colby's bedrooms. As I walked up to Colby's door, I held my hand up in a fist, about to knock, until I heard something.

Holding my hand in place, I carefully held my ear against the door, to hear some unusual noises. There was a mixture of them all at once. The rustling of sheets, faint male and female moans, as well as deep heavy breathing. My two thoughts were either Colby was having sex, or jerking off.

As I realized what was happening, I couldn't help but laugh. Trying my best to hold it in, I had to get somewhere else. I turned around, knocking quietly on Sam's door waiting for a reply. "Yeah, come in." He offers. Opening the door quickly, I shut it instantly behind me, bursting out into quiet laughter. At least that's why I tried to keep it at. Sam was sitting on his bed, on his phone, doing something I'm guessing.

Looking up at him, I saw a confused smile creeped upon his face as he studied my actions. "I have so many questions." He chuckles. Finally, settling down I sat at the end of Sam's bed, close to his feet.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had work?" He questioned. "Oh, I uh.. I just got the week off." I lie. "Oh, well that's nice." He implies. "Yeah, I guess so." I smile fakely. "So, why did you just burst in here laughing?" He asks.

My cheeks turning an amount of pink, I began to tell Sam what I heard. "Well I was gonna say hi to Colby, but I'm pretty sure he's jacking off. So I think I'll just let him finish." I snickered. "Again? Damn that's like his 9th time today." Sam jokes. "Didn't even ask me to help." He adds, pouting jokingly. Sam and I laugh together, but just before I was going to say something else, I was interrupted.

"OH SHIT!" Andie yells from outside Sam's room. Along with Andie screaming, I could hear Colby yell too. Right after, a loud shut of a door echos throughout the mansion. Sam and I sharing a concerned expression, Andie comes into the room, slamming the door behind her.

I turned around to find a look of horror in her eyes. "You walked in on him didn't you?" I question calmly. "Y-yeah." She stutters in embarrassment. "You're lesbian, it shouldn't effect you." I say. "Yeah but he doesn't know that." She snaps. "Ooh, right." I realize.

Turning my attention to Sam, he looks even more confused than before. And, slightly scared. "Who is this?" He asks, pointing hesitantly at my traumatized friend. "Oh! Right, yeah this is my best friend Andie from back in Kansas." I inform him with a smile. "Wait, you're from Kansas?" He asks. "Yeah, didn't I tell you that?" I ask, trying to figure out if I told him this or not. "I don't know, you might have, but I don't remember if you did." He tells me. "Oh, okay. Well now you know." I add.

  "Are we going to ignore that fact that I just saw some random guy's dick?" Andie announces in slight panic. "He's not a random guy, that's Colby." I tell her. "THAT'S COLBY?!" She shouts in shock. "Yes, but I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of it." I say with slight attitude. Next thing I know, she's speaking gibberish and flailing her arms around aggressively.

  Walking over to the door, I set my hands on Andie's shoulders. "Okay, relax bro." I say, staring her down. "Okay, okay, fine." She sighs. "I'm going to go do something, why don't you and Sam get to know each other?" I suggest, looking at Sam them back to my friend. "Yeah, okay yeah." She agrees. "Yeah?" I question, shaking my head. "Okay good. Well why don't you sit down, and I'll be right back, Okay?" I tell her. "Okay, okay." She calms down, walking over to Sam. As she sits on his bed, I walk out of the room, stepping in front of Colby's door.

  "Hey, can I come in?" I ask, knocking twice. "U-uh sure.." he calls. Walking in the room, I found Colby sitting on his bed completely red faced. And thankfully, he had his clothes on.

  Colby avoiding all eye contact with me, I began to talk to him. "Listen, she's lesbian so don't worry about it. I know it's embarrassing but I don't care, everyone does that at one point." I say, trying to make him feel better.
  "It's still embarrassing." He mumbles. Closing the door, I walked over to him and sat on his bed. "You do realize that this won't matter in a couple days, hours even." I encourage.  "I mean, yeah, I guess but still." He sighs. "Why don't you come actually meet her, and then in a while you guys probably won't even remember this anymore." I suggest.

  "Okay, sure I guess." He agrees. "Let me just uhmm, wash my hands and stuff.." He tells me, turning more red than before. "Oh, oh shit, yeah." I chuckle awkwardly. "Well her and I will um, we'll be downstairs alright?" I question. "Yeah." He says.

  "By the way, do you know where Corey and Devyn are? Or just one of them at least?" I ask before leaving the room. "Not really, I mean I know they went out but I don't know where." He tells me. "Oh, okay. Well like I said, we'll be downstairs." I say, leaving his room and entering Sam's.

  "Okay, he's really embarrassed so just try and not bring up the topic. And don't act weird, just act normally like you would." I tell the two. "That's what I usually do." Sam says. "Usually?" Andie and I question. "Yeah, I've walked in on him a lot." Sam says casually. "Oh, okay then." I snicker.

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