Six Flags pt. 1

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  Jordan POV:

  Colby had picked both Jordan and I up, and we were headed to Six Flags. Before we all got in the car I ended up falling flat on my face into the grass and dirt.

  I don't know what it is with me and those stairs, but I swear, everyday I trip, or hurt myself in some way on those damn foot ladders.

  "So, you guys sleep alright?" Colby asks Andie and I. "Yep." Her and I reply. "You guys?" I question.

  "Yeah I slept pretty good." Sam says. Colby didn't reply, so we just sat in silence for a minute.

  "Colby?" I spoke.

  I saw as his head jolt slightly and turn to Sam.

  "Oh, what? Yeah I slept fine." He answers.

  I was a bit confused, but I figured he just zoned out for a minute.

  -Time Skip-

  Soon enough, we finally got to the amusement park. Sam was on the phone with Elton, trying to figure out where all of them were parked.

  It took at least 10 minutes after we got there, until I pointed out Corey's car parked next to a bright red Ford truck. Next to him were everyone else and their cars.

   "Oh, nice Jordan." Colby smiles. Turning abruptly, Colby drives over and parks close to Jake's car. He was just about 3 cars away.

  As all of us began unbuckling ourselves, and just as I turned to step out of the car, I saw Elton's face pressed against the window. He started banging and screaming, making me jump.

  My fight or flight kicked in, and I guess my choice was fight because the next thing I know I'm practically round housing the window.

  "JESUS-" I shouted.

  I had punched the window almost as hard as I could, leaving my hand bruised and in pain.

  "Oh.. fuck." I groaned.

  I was laughing as well. It's a good thing I'm such a cool person, I don't get mad at stuff like this.

  I could hear Elton's hilarious cackle from inside the car, Andie, Sam and Colby were shocked. I could tell they all wanted to laugh but they didn't.

  Turning my hand over, I say as there were small scratches and cuts on my knuckles, and well as bruises and marks.

  My eyes widened as I observed my somewhat injured hand. It didn't hurt too bad, I knew I'd be fine. It hurt a little bit to touch but nothing too bad.

  I snatched my phone from the seat, and stepped out of the car.

  Elton was still, bent over laughing. As soon as he saw me he shut his mouth, and stood up straight. He wasn't very good at containing his laughter.

  I just smirked and leaned on the back of the car while waiting for everyone else to come out.

  "Hey Jordan." Jake smiles, walking over.

  Now that I thought of it, I hadn't seen Jake today until just now.

  "Hey Jake." I smiled, giving him a wave.

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