Guest for the Night pt. 2

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  I walked into Colby's room and into his closet to find some clothes. As soon as I walked in, I saw a black shirt with a pictures on it that caught my eye. I walked more toward it and pulled it off the hanger. It had a picture of the Mona Lisa on the front with a yellow cartoon like smiley face on top of hers. I loved it. Considering I only had, owned, and wore men's clothing, it was one of the reasons why. I wasn't sure if Colby wanted me wear that one, so I just set it aside and looked for some sweatpants.

  As I was looking around I could faintly hear an air mattress being blown up. I smiled at the thought of his generosity. Colby is a great person. And he has great friends. Which means, now so do I.

  I had found a pair of plain dark grey sweatpants in a drawer which looked comfortable, and that they could possibly fit me. As before, I wasn't sure if Colby wanted me wearing these, so I picked them up, along with the shirt, and walked into the other room with him.

  "Hey Colby, can I wear these?" I ask, showing him the clothes in my hands. He looks over and observes the clothing I'm holding before he gives me a response. "Oh those? Yeah, I don't care. The pants don't even fit me anymore and the shirt, I haven't even been able to find it. Where was it?" He asks. "It was hanging in the closet." I tell him. "Really? Hm, weird." He says. "But yeah, you can wear that." He says, flashing a smile at me. "Okay, thanks. I'll change in your room." I say. He nods his head as I walk away back into his room.

  Once I reached the bedroom, I closed the door and locked it. Just in case.

  I began to take off Colby's black hoodie, which I had actually forgot I was wearing. I tossed it on the bed and left it there for him to take back. I had been wearing a black men's shirt with The Rolling Stones logo plastered loudly on the front. I took that off, and tossed it on the couch, then switching into Colby's Mona Lisa shirt. Which still, I was obsessed with.

   Then, I removed my black slim fit jeans with a hole on each knee. I grabbed the sweatpants and slid them on, slightly tripping as I tried to walk. They were a bit lengthy, but they fit well. I rolled up the bottoms into cuffs, and walked out with my previous clothes.

  I stepped into the room and leaned on the wall, waiting for Colby to notice I was there. He had been sitting on the couch on his phone while waiting for me. He didn't look up, soni had to say something. "Hey mamas." I said, rubbing the bottom of my chin and biting my bottom lip. Colby looks up and giggles. "You look good." He says. "Thanks." I reply.

  We look at eachother for a bit, until I realize I should say something. "Uh, I don't know what I should do with these. Just leave them in here? Or.." I question. "Oh, just leave them in here on the couch or something." He tells me. "Okay." I say with a nod. I walk, stepping over the mattress, and put my clothes on the couch next to Colby.

  "Do you have anything I can brush my teeth with?" I ask. "Oh, yeah. Come here." He says, standing up and walking out of the room. I follow him and do as he requests. He takes me into him and Sam's bathroom, then bending down and opening a cupboard beneath the sink. "Shit, where is- oh there." He murmurs.

  I watch as he pulls out a small, already opened box. "Here." He says to me, handing over a blue and white toothbrush. It was rather different than any other toothbrushes I've seen, but it was kind of cool.

  "There's some toothpaste in the cabinet up here." He voices, opening the cabinet and handing me a bottle of toothpaste. "Use this for now." He says. I smile as he walks out of the bathroom. "If you need me I'll just be in my room, uh chillin'." He informs. I smile and he walks away.

  I turn on the sink and begin to wet the toothbrush. Then, putting on some toothpaste and wetting the toothbrush again. I open my mouth and begin to brush my teeth. I was a bit weird about this, but I never liked people watching me brush my teeth. My mom always thought I was weird for it. I always had to have the door closed, and or locked. But for some reason, here I didn't care.

  I finished up with my teeth, and cleaned off the brush, my face, and the sink. I took out my phone from my pocket and checked the time, only to realize it was 11:37 PM. "Oh, wow. Later than I thought." I say to myself.

  Colby told me that he would be in his room if I needed anything, so that's where I went. As said, he was in his room, on his bed, chillin'.

  "Hey." I say. "Hey." He repeates. "What's up?" I ask, plopping myself on the bed next to him. "Nothing, just watching Pewdiepie." He says to me, showing me the phone. "Ooh, can I watch?" I question. "Yeah, sure." He says. Colby was taking up much of the bed, so he scooted over for me. I slid closer to him, and watched as he held the phone for us.

  A couple minutes later, he paused the video and started to get up. "This is hurting my arms, let me get my laptop." He tells me. I watched as he walked over and grabbed his laptop, and coming back onto the bed.

  "Ow." I say, caused by Colby accidentally smacking me in the face with his laptop. "Oh my god- I am, so sorry." He laughs. "It's okay." I giggle, rubbing my left cheek. "I did not mean to do that." He snickers. "I know, it's okay. Let's just watch." I say. He nods and puts in his password, continuing to laugh here and there.

  He soon opened up YouTube, and went back to the video we were watching, resting the laptop on our thighs. I had actually never really been this close to anyone other than my mother. Close, meaning physically.   Even Andie wasn't much of a touchy person. Colby's whole right side was completely against my left. He felt, warm, and comfortable. I wasn't tired at all before this, but his touch made me start feeling kind of sleepy.

  Though I was tired, I didn't go to sleep. Colby and I were talking throughout the videos, but not the whole time. We watched YouTube for another good hour, and we hadn't said a word to eachother. I figured he was just focused on the video, until I felt a weight hit my shoulder. I looked over to find Colby's head resting on my shoulder. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing softly.

  As I realized what had happened, a great smile widened upon my face. It was sweet. And I felt much more than happy. I realized what time it was, and knew I needed to go to sleep. I let Colby rest on my for about 15 minutes more, before I decided to go out.

  I carefully pushed him off of me and held him up with an arm as I got off the bed. I managed to keep him up, and pull the covers down. I let go of him, allowing him to fall over. How he fell, I could tell it wasn't comfortable. I tried my best to move him and pull him under the covers, thankfully I managed.

  I smiled as he snuggled into his pillow. I pulled to covers over him, and smoothed them out as he slept. I hadn't known how long he was asleep for, but all I cared was that he was comfortable. I moved his laptop, to his desk and plugged it in since I remembered the battery was low.

  After I fixed everything, and made sure Colby was comfortable, I walked back over and knelt down toward him. I smiled as he rested peacefully. I could hear little snores coming from him, making me giggle. I looked at him once more and got up, rustling with his hair as I left. I slowly and quietly closed the door after turning off the light.

  It was about 12:00 AM now, a little over. Nobody was awake anymore. Now, I wasn't tired at all. I was completely, entirely, wide awake. Although, I did need to use the bathroom. So that's what I did.



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