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  Colby and I continue talking for a while more, until we arrive at Tender Greens. "Did everything message you?" I ask. "Let me look." He says, pulling his phone out. "Yep." He says. "Alright, let's go." I say. Colby stops the car and I unlock my door, getting out and waiting for Colby. I close my door as he gets out and locks the car.

As we walk inside, we notice a long line of people. "Great." He sighs, rolling his eyes. There was at least 20 or so people lining up. "Oh come on, we can wait." I say. "Yeah, okay." He replies. We both walk up to the line, and wait.

"So what kind of stuff do they have here?" I ask in curiosity. "Lots of green stuff. Vegetables, salads, that stuff." He says. "That's it?" I question. "No, no. They have chicken, mashed potatoes, steaks, soup, and some other stuff." He lists. "Oh, I'm gonna get chicken and mashed potatoes." I say. "I'm probably gonna get steak, mashed potatoes, and one of their salads." He informs. "Salad?" I question. "Yeah, salad." He says. "I've never liked salad. My mom would always tell me that when I grow up and mature, I'll start to like it. But to this day I only like the croutons." I say. "And let's be honest, I'm not very mature." I add, smiling slightly.

"There's a difference between being funny, and being mature. You're just funny." He says. No one much compliments me, so I'm not too used to it. But when that rare occurs comes when someone does compliment me, I always blush and get shy. "Thanks." I say, smiling widely. Colby winks, along side a smirk he flashed me.

After what seemed of days of waiting, it was finally out turn to order. I always got anxiety when it came to ordering food, or buying something, so this was a bit of a struggle.

"Hello, how are we today?" The counter lady asks putting on a kind smile. "Good thank you." Colby says. "What can I get for you both?" She asks. Colby pulls out his phone, and starts listing everyone's food requests. The lady's name on her name tag was unusual, but pretty. 'Vimora' it said. I'd never heard that name before, but I liked it. Colby finishes up ordering for him and everyone else, leaving me the only one left. "And what would you like?" Vimora asks.

I had kind of been spacing off a bit, so it was kind of embarrassing when I had to be snapped back into reality. "Oh- u-um can I get the, uh- the can I get the fried chicken, the- um- some mashed potatoes, and the- um- that's it." I stutter anxiously. I could tell both her and Colby were trying to hold back a smile.

"Alright, will that be it?" The lady asks. "Yeah." I say, blushing out of embarrassment. "Alright, your total is $103.94." Vimora tells us. I never expected this place to be so expensive, and I felt bad that Colby had to pay for it all. As he got out his wallet, I took mine out as well. "What are you doing?" Colby asks. "Paying half." I say. I gave the lady $53.94, so Colby only had to pay $50. He smiles, and gives the lady his money. "Alrighty, we'll let you know when your food is ready." Vimora says, smiling at us. Colby and I walk away while we find a place to stand against the wall.

"You didn't have to do that you know." Colby says, leaning against the wall. "I know." I say. "Then why'd you do it?" He asks. "I wanted to." I say, putting both my hands in the front pockets of my jeans. "Thanks." He says, smiling widely with a little giggle adding along.

The both of us talk, and hang out for a bit until someone call's Colby's name from the counter. We turn over to find bags of food on the counter waiting for us. We walk over, grab the bags, and head outside, hopping into the car. "Alright, let's get going." Colby says as he starts the car.

Colby hands me his phone unexpectedly. "Play some music, I'll listen to anything but country." He says. I take his phone, and begin to search for a song. "I hate country too, you won't have to worry." I say. "Thank god." He smiles.

You caught me in the right place
At the right time, so I'll just dive right in
Say you've got a blank space in your right mind
Well, here's my second wind
Oh, your idea of me blown away, away

Beach Boy - Colby Brock Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now