Six Flags pt. 2

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   On our way to the rollercoaster, Elton walked next to me. I hadn't talked to him much in the last few days, but I wish I had done so. He's really funny and interesting.

  "Wait, you, Sam, Colby, and Corey went to New Zealand?" I questioned. "Yeah, we did." He chuckles. "Not too long ago actually, it was only a few months ago." He informs.

  "That is so cool! I've always wanted to go there, I heard it's a beautiful place. What was it like?" I asked, filled with curiosity.

  "Oh it was amazing. One of the coolest places I've traveled to do far. Yes, it is a beautiful place. There's shit tons of fun things to do there, very good food, really nice people, it's just a great experience if you get to have it." Explains Uncle Elton.

  I kept up the New Zealand conversation with Elton until we got to the line that was rather short. It had taken me by surprise, but no complaints.

  I had planned to sit next to Elton for this rollercoaster. That is until.. he told me something I wasn't too thrilled with.

  "By the way, I get motion sick." He winks. Thankfully we weren't already on the ride, just about to get on.

  Turning my head around quickly, I saw Colby and Sam standing together behind Elton and I.

  "Colby do you get motion sick?" I blurted in question. "No?" He shakes his head, confused.

  Instantly, I stepped behind Elton and quickly switched spots with Sam. Leaving both the bestfriends confused, Elton was cackling at this.

  I have a great phobia of vomit and spit. I can't handle being thrown up on, or hardly even seeing it. I also don't ever eat at amusement parks fully because I don't want to throw up.

  "What happened?"

  "Elton told me he gets motion sick. There is no way in hell I am getting thrown up on today." I answer.

  "Oh, yeah. Don't worry, I'll ride with you then." He laughs. "That's kind of why I moved here." I smiled. I could tell he was mentally face palming.

  Sam and Elton start walking forward as I watch a line of people walk the other way beside us.

  Colby and I watched as the other  few people including Sam and Elton got in their seats. Following after, Colby and I decided to sit in the far back.

  Devyn and Andie sat a few seats in front of us while Jake and Corey sat right behind Elton and Sam.

  I hadn't been on this ride before. I've only been to the Six Flags here once before and that was with Andie and my mom one of the times they came to visit. We were all about to go on the ride, but as it was our turn they closed it. Just our luck am I right? At least now I am finally able to.

  I love heights and crazy rollercoasters, though this one left my heart pumping as we waited to start.

  I was fidgety, looking around all anxiously, and my stomach had nervous butterflies. This usually would happen to me when going on some crazy rollercoaster for the first time. Yes I was nervous, but more excited than anything.

  Colby and I talking to eachother as the instructor guy tells us the usual.

  "Keep your arms, legs, heads, all your necessary limbs inside the ride, and enjoy your goliath adventure."

  Looking at my nervously excited friend, my eyes widened as the ride started. Slowly going up, Colby grabs my hand and holds it tightly.

  "Are you scared?" I chuckle.

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