Family Movie Night

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  The food was actually really good. Maybe not my first choice at a place to go eat, but it was really good. The only reason I'm saying this is because I'm not really a salad, or green vegetable type of person. And that's mostly a lot of what they had there. But I would definitely go again for this.

Once all of us finished up eating, we put our garbage in the food bags, and Elton took them out to the trash. He came back inside, and started shouting some things. "I know it's family movie night, but I really need to finish editing. This is an important video that I'm not done with yet, and that I need to get done with." He informs. "That's fine." Sam says. "Okay, thank you. Next time I swear I can watch." He says. We all watch as Elton hurries into the garage, Circa following him.

"I better get going then." I say. "Why?" Sam asks. "You guys are doing your movie night thing." I say. "That doesn't mean you have to leave." Colby tells me. "Well it's a family movie night. I'm not necessarily family. I'm more like the newborn 5th cousin." I joke. "But that would still mean you're family." Jake adds, flashing me a sweet smile. "We'd love for you to watch with us. But of course, it's your choice." Colby says. "Really?" I question. "Of course." Sam says happily.

"Okay, I'll stay." I say. Everyone starts cheering, and clapping. "SHE'S GONNA STAY! SHE'S GONNA STAY!" The boys chant. Once they settled down, I was able to ask another question.

"What movie are we watching?" I ask. "THE BEE MOVIE!" Aaron shouts. All of us turned around, and glanced at him, confues on why he said it so loud. "That's not what we voted on brother." Corey speaks softly. "What did we vote on?" Devyn whispers. "We voted on the FRICKING TITANIC!" Corey says, progressively getting louder. "WOOOH!" I shout. "YEAH AARON! LOSER!" Colby yells, jumping up and down. "YEAH AARON! AARON LITTLE LOOOSSSERRRRR!" Jake yells, pointing at Aaron. Aaron slowly falls down onto the floor and begins to fake cry while sitting in the fetal position. All of us, other than Kat and Devyn crowd around Aaron, and begin to yell and point at him, jokingly calling him a loser.

  I started liking everyone in this house more and more as time went by. Their humor was really similar to mine, which I was obviously with. I tended to have a lot in common with s lot of them. And we were all a lot alike. Not even an entire 24 hours and I already realized that these were the people I would have in my life for a long time. At least I hoped that was to be true. Because I most definitely wanted to keep in touch with everyone.

About 15 minutes went by, and we were all in the living room, on the couch, watching Titanic. When I was in about 4th or 5th grade, I had a massive obsession with this movie. It felt a bit weird to be watching it again after so long. It got so obsessive, that I wanted to literally change my first name to Rose, I dyed my whole head red, I had shirts, books, I even had a Myspace fan account. It was bad. I still liked the movie, and the character, I just hadn't seen it in a while. I was honestly excited to watch it again.

  The movie was about 10 minutes in, and the more I watched, the more I started to remember how obsessed I really was. I started cringing at the thought of my past self. And I guess Colby had noticed, because he asked me about it.

  "Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah.. I just used to have a really bad obsession with this movie." I cringe. "Really?" He questions. "Yeah. But I'll tell you about it later." I say. He nods and goes back to the movie, as well as me.

  About 45 minutes in, Corey randomly got up. "Y'all, I'm real tired right now. I think I'm gonna go to bed." He yawns. "Oh, alright." Colby, Sam, Jake and I say. "Goodnight baby." Devyn says softly, giving Corey a small peck before he leaves the room. "Goodnight y'all." Corey says as walking up the stairs. They're so cute together. I thought to myself. As I turned my head back to the TV, I could see Colby growing a mischievous smile across his face. "What are you thinking?" I question, smirking in knowledge it's probably not too good. "I'm going to prank Corey." He whispers. "Can I help?" I ask. "Definitely." He smiles.

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