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"Hey guys I'm bac-" Andie stops herself when she sees the two of us.

Colby and I jolted our heads back and abruptly let go of each other, looking at my friend as if we were reindeers that encountered a thousand headlights.

Andie smirks "If I'm interrupting something, I can leave." Her hand was placed on the doorknob as she slowly walked back outside. I scoffed and walked over to her. My embarrassed blushing and lack of eye contact wasn't helping my side of the situation at all.

"No, come on." I muttered. I could hear Colby's little giggles while Andie and I rambled on about whether or not she 'interrupted something'. In a way I guess she did, but not in the way she thinks.

The three of us talked for a bit, and Colby and I mentally agreed on keeping what happened between us only between us. We let Andie make her little jokes, and laughed along.

The rest of that day Colby spent his time at our place. It was nice. I had completely forgotten about our fight and only focused on the two people I needed to.

Remember how I said that thing about pushing down my feelings for Colby? Yeah, I don't think that's working very well. I ignore them, but I know it's definitely there. They're almost like an annoying kid in your 4th grade class non-stop talking while you're trying to work. You keep trying to ignore them, but they just stay there. I had a kid like that back in 6th grade. He would never leave me alone. He's always be asking for answers even when I didn't know them, he'd talk about cars constantly, and never left me to myself. His name was Dominic. I figured I'd give these annoying feelings a name, so you know what I chose? Dominic.

Every time Colby mentioned my name I would instantly turn to him, even if I was having a conversation with Andie or doing something else important. Every time he laughed my heart would beat faster than Lightning god damn McQueen. Every time he touched me I would turn flustered to the point where I felt as if I couldn't breathe for a second.

I can't doubt it, I definitely like Colby. I can't just throw away the feelings I have towards him because I've learned it's not all that easy. My best bet is just to hope this is all a silly little crush that I'll get over it soon. Hopefully.

- Next Day -

Today is the day of my interview and god am I terrified. I have to get this job. It's like my life depends on it, at least that's how I feel. It was only 2:00 o'clock so luckily I had about 3 hours left. Andie was out hanging with Devyn and Kat for a while which left me alone. Colby, Sam and I have been on FaceTime for the past hour and now the two were in a car. I'm not sure where they were going but I left my phone for 2 minutes and come back to find them on the road.

"Seriously, where are you guys going?" A laugh escaped my throat.

The boys responded with almost the exact same knowing giggle.

"Unfair." I complained.

10 minutes later I looked down to see that the two were now somewhere outside. I couldn't see the area since Colby had the camera pointed up to the sky and him who was looking down at the phone. His smile was wonderful. I took a few screenshot which was clearly obvious as the pretty boy on my screen gave a wondering look.

I noticed not too long later that he was walking upwards which I assumed was on stairs. Sam trailed behind him as the birds chirped loudly in the background. Soon I realized where they were when I saw a very familiar overhang above them. They were walking to the door of my apartment and clearly weren't too far away.

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