Story Information (⚠️ please read ⚠️)

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• This story takes place in late/mid 2017 and 2018 when the boys were all living at the original Trap House

• Even though this story is based in 2017 and 2018, it will have some of the trends from this year

• Even though this story is based in 2017/2018, it will still include songs from this year, and last

• When you read this story, you are basically Jordan if you get what I am saying

• I will try my best to update this story at least 1 time a day, if not more

• If I do not update one day, I will be sure to post an A/N (Authors Note) letting you all know

• If I include jokes, or other material in this story that may offend some viewers, please let me know so I don't do it again. And if that is to happen, I did not intentionally mean to offend anyone

• This story may, possibly have some sexual chapters/moments in it, if you do not want to read that, you may skip. (Not confirmed that there will be sexual content)

• This story will include LGBTQ+ if you do not like or support that, either skip or do not continue reading

• This story is not to be copied. If you are writing a story currently and get an idea or something in this story inspires you, please ask permission to use whatever is

• If I make any grammar or punctuation mistakes, please let me know so I can fix it

• This story will include music lyrics, I will add a link/video to the song(s) I put in a chapter at the end of the chapter, under an A/N

• There will be other Characters in this story that I did not describe or list in the chapter above

- Anyway, that is about it! I hope anyone who reads this story enjoys it, and remember to be kind and have fun! -

Beach Boy - Colby Brock Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now