Goodnight Colby

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  The car ride back home seemed long. Longer than it usually should, and would take. I put most of my attention to the sky, even when Colby was talking. It was kind of a silent ride, besides the punk music playing in the background. I had always loved the outside, especially the sky. I'm in love with the stars at night, and the moon. Sunsets as well. There's just something about the sky each day that attracts me to it. Though I'm very picky with when, and how I like it.

  I know, it sounds weird. But I'm about to explain.

  I only like when it is sunny outside. Rain is nice, but the completely cloudy, gray, bland sky isn't necessarily my cup of tea. I don't very much how it looks outside in the morning. It's always too bright, and a bit too much for my eyes to handle believe it or not. I tend to not open my windows until at least 3:00PM, and let them remain open until I decide to sleep.

  Even though I just explained my liking for the night sky, I don't really ever go out and look up at the sky. It's not as fun alone. I'd rather have someone to have with me, than alone. Yes, it can be nice being by yourself, but I prefer having someone beside me. Like I said, picky.

  I was trapped in my thoughts the majority of the ride. Mostly imagining scenarios that would more than likely never happen. The music did help with my fantasies a bit, made them feel like I was in a movie. Even though it wasn't even real.

  Once I noticed we were less than 5 minutes away from my apartment, I positioned myself in a bit more comfortable way and gazed at the dark haired boy.

  He seemed rather content. I was curious.

  "Whatcha thinking about?" I wondered. Colby turning his head my way for a second, he smiled a bit looking back at the road.

  "Nothing important." Grinned Colby. "Hm." I mumbled. After another few moments of silence, he began to talk again.

  Taking in a gasp, Colby spoke.

  "You know, you're a really unique person." He began. "Really?" I questioned, fixing myself to face Colby. "Yeah." He stated. "How so?"

  I figured this is what he was thinking about before hand. Or maybe not. I could be completely wrong, or completely right.

  "You're your own person. You don't try and follow the croud. You've got your own sense of humor, your own super cool style, also a very fucked up sleep schedule." He lists with a giggle.

  "Let me guess, I'm 'not like other girls' correct?" I quote. Hesitating, Colby gives an answer.

  "Yeah, honestly." I knew what he meant, and it was sweet. But at the same time a bit funny.

  "Well, I've never gotten told anything like this, so thank you." I smile. Colby in return, flashes a wink at me.

  Laughing with the roll of my eyes, I gazed out the window once more.

  I started thinking about how I'm going to need to take some melatonin pills, considering I spent most of my day asleep weirdly enough.

  "Alright, we're here." Colby announces, stopping the car. Snapping into reality, I squinted at my complex. Seeing as my car was in the parking lot, I wasn't worried about Andie completely destroying it anymore.

  Letting out a sigh, I thanked Colby and hopped out of the car.

  "Oh, by the way, you want me to pick you guys up tomorrow? Or are you going to drive?" He calls, stopping me on my way upstairs.

  "I think I'll be okay driving, but do you think we'll all be waiting for eachother in a specific area.. or?" I question. Letting Colby think, I waited for a response.

  "Hm, good question. I really don't know. I'm sure we'll figure it out tomorrow, I'll let you know." He tells me. "Alright sounds good then." I reply. "Have a good night Jordan, I'll see you and Andie tomorrow." He grins, starting his car back up. "Goodnight Colby, I'll see you guys tomorrow." I waved.

  Watching as he drives away, I walked up the concrete stairs. Just like the day I left to give Colby his wallet, I tripped. Only difference this time is I was going up instead of down.

  "Oh- fuck." I gasped. Turning my hand over, I pointed it at the light on the wall to get a better look. I had a decent scratch on my wrist, it was bleeding a bit, but I didn't mind.

  Shrugging it off, I walked up to my door and reached above the door frame searching for my spare key. After a bit of struggling, it managed to fall down onto my mat. "Convenient." I exhaled.

  Bending down, I picked up the key and unlocked my door. Setting it back above the door, I walked inside.

  Warmth rushing through my cold skin, I walked into the kitchen. Opening my medicine cabinet, I grabbed the melatonin bottle. "Shit, how much do I take?" I asked myself. Thinking for a bit, I decided two was enough. Shrugging my shoulders, I poured two white pills into my hand and brought them up to my mouth. Swallowing them, I grabbed a cup and filled it with water. Drinking it all, I set the cup in the sink.

  I didn't know where Andie was, but I figured my room since she wasn't on the couch. Sure enough, I walked in and she was out cold on my bed laying in what looked to be the most uncomfortable position to ever sleep in.

  looking through my dresser, I grabbed a pair of black Adidas sweatpants with two white stripes faced vertical on each side. Then finding an old oversized, plain gray shirt, I changed my clothes into the comfier outfit I had picked out.

  Tossing my balled up clothes into my hamper, I crawled into bed with Andie and layed myself next to her. The sleeping pills hadn't quite kicked in yet, so I sat on my phone until they did. About 30 minutes later, I started getting tired again. Grabbing my charger, I plugged in my phone and set it on my bedside table.

  Andie had shifted into a much comfier looking position, and perfect for cuddling. Whenever her and I had sleepovers we'd always sleep in the same bed, and usually we'd end up wrapped around eachother one way or another.

  Scooting myself closer to her, I rested my head on her chest while my left leg was laying on top of hers. Knowing she couldn't hear me, I said my goodnights and eventually ended up drifting off.

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