The Truth

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Today was gonna be a bit dodgy. At least I think so. Colby and I text and call eachother every day when we can. Either it's just a few minutes, or hours on end. When I'm working, I can't do that. So that means I have to text and talk to Colby on a "schedule" so he won't be suspicious. I'm sure he already is to a certain extent, but I've gotta keep him believing I still have a job just until tomorrow.

"Jordan why is there no food?" Andie sighs, bending down in front of our open, empty fridge.

All I had in there was a half empty carton of milk, expired yogurt, turkey, mayonnaise, mustard, and some random fruits.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Fine, I'll go to the store."

I never liked going to the store. Yeah, I could buy whatever I wanted pretty much but it's always boring. Although this time, I'd drag Andie with me so I wouldn't be as lonely and unentertained.

"You're going with me though." I informed.


Around 2:00pm, I dragged my bestfriend with me out to the car so we could get to the store. I made a long list of what I needed, and I already knew some other stuff that I wanted. All of my monsters were gone, and I had finished my last one yesterday when I got home.

"Okay, I know what I want that isn't on the list, do you know what you want?"

Andie looks at me for a moment. "Jordan I'm leaving in five days, I don't think I need anything."

"Yeah, well honey five days is..." I hesitated. "fff- ssi-?" I struggled.

"It's one hundred and twenty hours." She corrects.

"Thank you. Now that being said, I think one hundred and twenty hours is a pretty long time. Would you like me to starve you? Because I will gladly volunteer to that."

"I always took you for a murderer." Andie adjusts herself in her seat.

"You didn't find that out years ago?" I figured that out faster than I did my sexuality." I gave her a glance.

Andie mouthed a quick "what the fuck" as her eyes grew just a bit to where I couldn't notice much.

I let out a chuckle along with Andie's breathy giggle. The next seconds of silence turned into real laughter from the both of us. I wasn't even entertained by my joke, it was the wheeze fest that Andie had started for herself.

Her laughter is contagious, almost like Colby's smile. Once you hear her laugh that gets everyone in a good mood. She has never been a fan of her wheezing, or obnoxious snorting a simple joke can lead to, but I've always found it very nice. I keep telling her she's lucky she doesn't squeak like I do.

I hate that I do that. I've never been much a fan of my laugh either, so I guess I can't blame Andie for her insecurities.

We finally reached the store to find a shit ton of cars taking up most of the parking lot. Only about 10 places or so were empty, so I took the first chance I could get.

I parked in between these two almost identical cars. Both were jeep wranglers, but one was a dark red and the other a slightly lighter red. It was hard to tell them apart other than some stickers and the license plates.

"Alright, let's go." I advised.

Hopping into a shopping cart, Andie stood in disapproval while she pushed me into the store.

"Why can't you push me?" She whines.

I scoffed while scrolling on my phone. "Becuase, I pushed you last time we went out. It's my turn."

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