The Contract

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The In A Relationship Contract
Proposed by: Jayvion Sage Layra

Section I. Definition

Article 1. "It is a contract to secure my beloved woman on any hurtful things she might experience on our relationship. It is also a commitment on being there beside her, always."

Section II. Cool Off Status

Article 2. If, and only if, I leave your daughter for a cool off, I need to pay five thousand pesos (₱ 5,000) in cash for every hour that passed.

Article 3. If I decided to get back on the hook within twenty-four (24) hours, I need to pay one (1) hour payment which is five thousand pesos (₱ 5,000) only.

Section III. Break Up Terms

Article 4. If, and only if, I declare break up for a lifetime, I need to pay one million pesos (₱ 1,000,000) in cash within seven (7) days.

Article 5. If, and only if, she declares break up for a lifetime, I need to pay five hundred thousand pesos (₱ 500,000) in cash for five (5) month installment.

Article 6. If, and only if, we decided to break up for a lifetime, I need to pay seven hundred fifty thousand pesos (₱ 750,000) in cash for three (3) month installment.

Article 7. If I can't manage to pay the said amount in given time frame, I must double the original payment for every month that will pass.

Section IV. Uncertainty

Article 8. If, and only if, there's an uncertain event happens in any of the two of us during our relationship like;

Injuries caused by someone,
Injuries caused by accident,
Brain-dead due to an accident,
Death by natural cause,
Death by accident,

The collateral payment will be decided by the intensity of the damage.

Section V. Contract Credibility

Article 9. Only the two of us will be the authorized personnels to sign the contract. Witnesses are must. No one should take any authority about the alteration of the contract unless stated and permitted by the authorized personnels.

Article 10. Upon signing the contract, any changes thereafter must be approved by both parties.

Section VI. Contract Life Span

Article 11. Once the contract is being signed, the effects are activated.

Article 12. If, and only if, any of Section III: Article 1, Article 2 or Article 3 takes effect, the contract will be void after the last payment but can be dependable in Article 4 activation.

Article 13. Once it ends, any of us must be strangers and separated and must not have any connection or relation. In simple words, "No more rewind" (quoted for highlight).

Signed by:

Jayvion Sage Layra
Proponent / Authority

Alliana Haven Armari

Allan Armari

Roseheart Estarossa

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