1 . Crazy Girl

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

8:00 AM

' Jimin's P.O.V.'

Brushing the bank of dark thundering clouds away from my vision , I focus my pupils on the tall building standing before me , in front of which I stand clueless . My nerves tense up in an unprecedented adrenaline rush as I inhale a long breath to calm the chaos in my mind. My eyes squint over the crowd of students rushing inside the building with their friends and this sight obscures my mind with jealousy . I've never been the one to engage in peer friendships yet I feel the need to have someone as an acquaintance until I settle in my new classroom.

I bite my lips while tightening my clutch on the knapsack that clings to my shoulder and pull endearing steps towards the large building when I feel a small patch of my shoulder damp , likely from water . My eyes shoot up towards the sky which downfalls heavy rain causing all of us to find shelter under the school's roof and I make it quick to jump towards it .

Unlike before , I spot no trace of any student around me , stepping on the marble floor , inhaling a long breath to regain my tranquillity , I push all the thick mass of anxiety to a remote corner of my brain when an unfamiliar touch of fingers on my shoulders make me halt my steps .

The weight of thin fingers shift , unbalanced and tugging on my sweater and I turn to see a girl facing the gate of the school . Her hand , slammed on my shoulder , helps her stand on one foot and fix her shoes . I catch little details of her figure , the chestnut hair that is damp , likely from the rain . My heart pounds wildly, the reason remains strange and unknown but I feel vulnerable . I've always found it difficult to approach someone for help in a mere conversation but the way she limps on my shoulder boasts with boldness .

She turns to face me and her eyes flicker with brightness.Taking her lips to squeeze between her teeth , they look parched . Her eyes wander and land on me, inducing a sudden wave of nervousness across my whole body ."I'm sorry and thank you.",she gives me a warm smile that sinks in my soul and I remain dazed. For a few seconds , I process her words which accumulate a strange feeling in my heart.

"Y-your welcome.",Out of habit , I scratch the back of my neck and gaze at anything but her. From the corner of my eyes , I notice that her eyes remain on me a little longer than enough and before I take the leap to leave for my classroom , her voice echoing behind me makes me stop in my tracks .

I turn behind to face her standing opposite to me while fiddling with the strap of her knapsack."Yes....",I am abashed about the way, my words roll out as a stutter from my mouth and as a reflex , my lashes blink frantically . She licks her lips and steps closer to me , conquering the prominent distance between our bodies and my heart hammers in my chest with a thudding sound that I'm afraid she would listen if she stood dangerously close to me .

My feet turn back in an instant while I pull a heavy breath to calm the strange tension in my chest.Her head bows in my neck and the brush of her warm breath lingers on my neck with sensuality."Calm down , I don't bite.",She chuckles before moving back ,giving me enough time to pull my brain out of the drowsy feeling, underlying by her scent."Good luck for your first class",The corners of her mouth crease in a gentle smile making me feel soft.

I can swear anything on the fact that it's universally impossible to filter her smile as a result of one emotion - there's something different about it . It's wicked,genuine,mysterious and....warm.

With uncertainty at its peak , I do not say anything but lick my lips before nodding and turn opposite to her . I still can't understand the strange whirlwind of emotions that she's making erupt in my veins and fastening the blood rush in my body but I do know that I should not remain here any longer . "I am not sorry about holding you by your shoulder but I think I'll be holding onto you for long now."

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