39. Supportive

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His eyes reflect reluctance and poise but he doesn't say anything , the silence drowning my mind insane. Jimin shifts forward on the couch to put his eyes on my brother and initiate a conversation."My dad is in the news and right now he's in police custody. The company has overthrown him and I don't have anything related to him or his company. I don't want to let go of her , I can't.Please try to understand that I have left everything that you were concerned about and the police is providing me and some people around me the security.",He pauses to decipher taehyung's expressions , his eyes searching hope.

I can feel anxiety pooling in my stomach and the slow heartbeat echoing in my ears.The only thing I want now is him ready to give us a chance."When she first mentioned about you , I had called our uncle who was a very good friend of our dad , he worked with him in your dad's company.We lived with him till I was 21 and we  but I had never imagined that this would break her heart so much.",He sounds apologetic when it isn't even his fault and he looks at me with guilt gleaming in his eyes. His lips tremble visibly as if something is weighing his throat down to refrain him from speaking and this kills me.

I'm reminded how pathetic my life has been and the weakness in my heart infuriates me to such extent that I would do anything to get rid of these feelings."I have seen her crying but never saw her breaking down so much that I was afraid to pick her up because I knew I couldn't make her feel okay as long as it wasn't you who was close to her.",His eyes shift at Jimin who squeezes my hand tightly as he deciphers these words. I look at him gazing at me confessing his love without words and a feeling of satisfaction fills in my body.

"I know that you have all sorts of security around you and your people including her but I cannot afford to see her breaking down like that again. It would kill me to be such a brother who couldn't take care of her sister. It's really hard for me but I want to trust you with my sister because I know how much she loves you. I am giving you this last chance to keep her happy and keep her safe while I'm doing the same.",I can't express how much I'm baffled and happy by him. A sigh leaves from my mouth without even realising before I see jimin.

"I'm sorry for whatever I've caused but I promise you , nothing will harm her safety now. I love her a lot and I will do everything to keep her safe and happy with me. I know that the tension between us is still present but I want to be on good terms with you too. Please give me a chance to make it right this time.",It feels exquisitely joyful to realise how much he's reluctant to let me go.I can't be more grateful than to see two of the most important people in my life wishing for my safety and happiness even after facing so much in their lives. I can never let this sense of warmth go from my body that is perceived by their presence.

"I don't think it'll change overnight but I want to give it a try for her.",Taehyung stands after relieving the tension in the air but pauses to look at the man beside me." I want to talk to you separately , come with me outside.",He doesn't spare me a glance and ushers himself through the doorstep in the blink of an eye."I'll be back.",Jimin nods at me with urgency, the hesitation quite evident in his pace as he follows him outside the door.

A sense of aliveness conquers me as I can't help feeling happy with the understanding that we're ready to start a new beginning where everyone is wishing for us. I didn't doubt taehyung's care for me but had the idea that it would be difficult to win him and the realisation of his words sends me into a frenzy considering that he's also planning to mend his bond with jimin. I stand from the couch, forcing myself to not think about their conversation and walking forth into the kitchen to heat the food for both of them.

15 minutes later

The door opens but my eyes catch the figure of only one person while I get a glimpse of another one standing at the doorstep , tapping his feet nervously. With unprecedented confidence , taehyung walks towards me to stand on the opposite side of the kitchen counter."He wants to talk to you.",I feel uncertain about the way jimin is standing outside when he has every choice to come outside but I don't waste another second before tapping the buttons on the microwave and make my way towards him.

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