30. Fears

267 10 3

Monday , January 1 , 2018

8:25 A.M.

'Jimin's P.O.V.'

I press my eyes onto themselves to wake my body from the lazy feeling of being warm under the duvets.  My eyes greet the pleasant sight of the woman that I made love to , last night. Her face looks feral , feathered by softness and serenity and I can't stop myself from moving my hands from her bare back to her face to let my thumb smoothen her face.  I don't want to let go of ever , never because I know my soul would flee with her too , I love her too much. Leaning in to press a kiss on her naked back, I brush my lips lightly but enough to feel the warmth of her skin before grasping my t-shirt and pants to dress before exiting the room .

I step out from the vicinity of her bedroom to move towards the kitchen , sweeping a hand in my air and suppressing a dizzying yawn that escalates the cozy sensation in my chest.  I think I should've slept more with her but my stomach is grumbling for food.  My pace halts, eyes widening and a gasp slipping from my lips upon the sight of a familiar man who has now put his eyes at me , his empty stare piercing my soul. 

"You slept here ?",he sips on his coffee mug before placing it on the kitchen counter. Taehyung has never opposed my relationship with y/n since the day we fought but also hasn't been directly supportive or vocal about it which makes it uneasy for me to answer this question . My choice to get dressed before exiting her room has really saved me now that I am standing speechless , gathering courage to speak the obvious.

"Yes…...It was late when we came back so we — I decided that I should sleep here…..",I don't face him anymore and turn my figure towards the kitchen cupboard to take out the coffee packets .

"I've made coffee already if that's what you are searching for . I'll make another one , looks like you need it now .",He pushes a mug before me and I switch my gaze between him and the inanimate object before choosing to pick it and thank him for his sweet gesture but he merely nods at my words. 

"Uh......can I ask you for a favour ?",I peek at him but notice him tilting his face to gaze at me intently , my anxiety hiking immensely . I really want to do something for y/n but the dilemma of choosing a gift for her has really caught my mind in a whirlwind . "Hm….sure. ",This calms the upheaval in my chest and the air around me suddenly floats lightly .

"I wanted to do something for her…...a gift maybe . Do you have any suggestions about what she likes ……some special accessories or things?",I bite my lips but keep my voice low because I don't want to ruin my surprise for her .

Taehyung doesn't react which increases the awkward silence lingering between us , walking around the kitchen to get hold of the packets of coffee from the cupboard. I don't speak in haste and wait for him ro response. "She likes small but memorable things , you know about those small bracelets that have all types of miniature symbols hanging from the latch ? She loves them .",he doesn't face me but I know he's sincerely helping me which makes me happy and feel more comfortable in my skin. My mind reverts back to the flashbacks of all the stores that I glance at , while on my way to work . I might leave early and leave for the store after going home .

"Thank you for helping me. I'll try to come up with something which will make her happy.",I can't wait to see her bright smile that heightens the jovial sensation in my veins , I really can't . I sip on the refreshing scent of the coffee percolating in the kitchen while he sets the coffee for y/n. Taehyung hasn't said something which is understandable since the connection between me and him is still crucial and delicate .Stepping down from the stool , I am about to enter the room and get close to her when he breaks the silence .

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