40. Deeper than ever

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—2 Days Later —

Sunday , January 28 , 2018

11:30 P.M.

'Jimin's P.O.V.'

"Don't worry baby , they'll be here soon.",Y/n caresses the back of my shoulder but my feet tap impatiently on the pavement as my gaze doesn't leave the main entrance of the airport. I've already called him thrice in the last 10 minutes but there's no hint of the figures that I'm expecting in my vicinity and this is making me worried because Sang hoon leaves in 20 minutes.

"Here they are!",A sigh leaves from my mouth while my eyes squint over two figures rushing their way across the crowd to reach towards us with a bouquet in their hold.I can swear on anything that I would've lost my shit if he didn't come in 5 minutes."Sorry to everyone , we couldn't get the bus.",He gives excuses in his defence which appear ridiculously annoying to me so I don't wait for him to continue his explanations."You could've taken a taxi , they're on the road for a goddamn reason."

Jaehyun raises his eyebrows at me, as if I'm overreacting in this situation which is perhaps true but I can't afford to see sanghoon getting sad over his absence."Okay, let's calm down and go inside. He's yet to board and join the line so let's hurry up.",His girl saves him , giving him the chance to sneer sneakily at me but his childish behaviour only makes me chuckle before we make our way inside the waiting lounge to bid goodbye to our friend.

"Yo jerk.",The boy behind me slaps on his back excitedly to grab a seat next to him while he stands to meet us.I no longer believe Jaehyun because he was the one who dropped by my workplace yesterday to cry in my arms and scream how he badly he would miss sanghoon but I guess that's how it is. We don't need to go extravagant at every chance because our gestures speak enough for our friendship."You're really leaving,huh?",He scratches the back of his neck and tilts his face to conceal the puffy eyes that didn't go unnoticed by any of us.

"No, I just packed my stuff and wanted to know how it is to sit at an airport.",Even in sadness, he doesn't remain any further from his cockiness and manages to make us laugh."This is for you",Hye Soo gives the bouquet to him,"and don't forget us.",She gives him a sweet smile but the astonishment peaks in his eyes, considering how it's rare for boys to receive flowers. He returns the gestures by clasping her in a tight hug with a bright grin and steps towards y/n to do the same while she tells him to take precautions against the weather. Instinctively, I spare a glance at Jaehyun whose expressions seem to contradict his words as he nibbles on his lips, biting them to stop his outburst.

His gaze lands on me and in a split second , I realise the attachment that he's bonded with Sang hoon. Without wasting another second, I move closer to him, his state appearing fragile and delicate than earlier and the tears escaping from his eyes explaining his emotions.I have never seen him so invulnerable but his sincere reaction overwhelms me , this partition affecting him a lot more than me.The moment I rub a gentle pant to soothe him, he turns in my arms to sob hard in my chest, my arms  going around him."Ya, are you insane? It isn't like he's leaving for forever.",A throaty chuckle escapes from my lips but his lips vibrating at my chest tell me that he's not calming down anytime soon.

"This asshole-",Sang hoon hisses, reaching out for his arm causing him to hug him tightly and break down like a baby.I exhale a heavy breath when I feel my heart weighing heavy with all the emotions the sight in front of me engenders but my hands are intertwined into a squeeze by thin fingers whose warmth feels similar."He'll be okay , don't worry. We'll meet him again soon.",She reminds me what I desperately need to hear but my heart beats in my ears at an echoing speed.

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