7. Back To You

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My back flattens on the furnished door as I feel my heart beating in my chest at an exhilarating speed . Why did she have to appear again ? Just when I thought I was accustomed to my life , she managed the feelings that I would despise to be awakened , erupt . I can't believe what I did with Y/N . She must be proud thinking I finally fell for her. I walk to sit on one of the chairs to gain the comfort of a seat and avoid overthinking .

My chest heaves in a breath full of relief of escaping Y/N 's questions . Why does she have to know everything about me ? Why does she even bother to care? It isn't like she really feels something for me , teasing me is just another way of making her day entertaining . I won't be surprised anymore if she shows up at every place I go just to annoy me with her endless choice of tactics .

I should really clear her thoughts from my mind if I don't want my life to become more difficult . I step into the washroom and walk towards the sink to pour cold water on my face . After face - palming my face for a while so that I regain some energy , I take my bag pack with me out of the restroom.

A similiar face , wrinkled and pale , greets me . "Hey ! You are here ! ". "Yes ."I acquiesce with the bakery owner . "Looks like you don't have to tap your fingers at the counter board out of boredom anymore. "He chuckles at me and takes few steps towards me whilst dialing some numbers at his phone . I try to understand the hidden meaning behind his words but give up after few seconds ."What . . What do you mean ? "I scratch my neck , unknowingly . "I found a co-worker , boy . She is my nephew , around your age . Although she isn't much of an extrovert , but she won't let you bore . "He snaps at me and takes the keys out of his personal locker .

I don't say anything but nod at him giving him a genuine smile and earning the same from him . Whatever it is , it's better than counting the number of tiles on the floor . He hands me the keys and instructs me about the closing procedure and bids me goodbye . I shove the keys in the pockets of my jeans under my working apron and proceed to operate the machines and refrigerator .

15 minutes later

My eyes move from the family of four sitting in this space to land on the door . Now that he has told me about my acquaintance , I can't bear another moment of working alone . I scrounge in the ziplock bag that I've brought with me and take out an apple to calm my stomach for a short time before the break . My eyes shoot towards the wooden door and I see Hye Soo smiling at me with beaming steps . For once , my heart skips a beat thinking it must be Y/N but soon I return a neutral smile .

"Hey Jimin ! Surprise ! " She chuckles at me waving her hands in a friendly manner. Since I am more comfortable with her than any of my classmates , I respond positively . " Ah . . . I see we are partners again . " She gives me an amused expression and I see her eyes switching to the marble floor for few seconds but she looks up to me instantly .

"Let's get to work . " I go to the cabin to take out another apron and hand her after telling her the basic operations . Soon , she gets the knack of the things and starts grabbing good chances with the customers .I stand near the cash machine while she goes below the wooden slab , hoping to rummage to find the new pack of tissues to complete the order . I am done with calculating the numbers when I notice she's struggling with the pack . I kneel down at her height balancing my body only on my feet . Tapping on her shoulder , I nod to her telling her that I will take care of the hard task .

My face reaches close to hers , inadvertently while my hands lengthen at the end of the cabinet . I feel her body stunned , her breathing slowing down heaving drastically low breaths and her mouth parted against my cheeks . Finally when my hand catches the plastic package , I waste no time in moving away from her . I flush in embarassment and refuse to look at her . After giving the tissues to the young customer before me , I scowl in frustration . I've never been this close to any girl . . well apart from Y/N . It must have been uncomfortable for her to have a boy in her close proximity without her consent . Should I apologise to her ? No , It can make things weird between us and she's the only friend I've made. Maybe it's selfish but I don't want to lose her as my friend.

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