13 . Perplexed

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" What ? " ,her eyes stare deep into mine with a piercing gaze . I lick my lips while skimming in the eye contact which is proving to be intimidating to me . " If you feel uncomfortable by the heat , you can remove your jacket." I make her understand the true meaning behind my words as I think she may have misunderstood me considering her exasperated response . She ponders for a while before unzipping her jacket and taking the leather fabric off from her body revealing her in a loose tank top.

I shouldn't have asked her to do this as now her honey skin is exposed to my attentive eyes . Sunlight falling from the window behind me soaks her body in blissful reflection of golden brightness , providing a soothing sight. I realise that I am staring at her and she looks up to face me with a scowl , her lips pressed into a straight line. This need to touch her is so distressing and powerful that I want to touch her naked flesh and at the same time want to emit myself out of her vicinity because of how overwhelmed I am feeling .

"What are you looking at ? " , she distracts me. " Who's here besides you ? " ,I look at her , noticing the pink tint of her cheeks. " Park Jimin , quit it . I am telling you for the last time ." She speaks pensively , her face emotionless but it doesn't stop me from guessing the feelings encircling her mind as she refuses to look at me in the eyes .

" I can't quit pursuing you . " I turn my gaze from her body and stare across the window to divert my attention . She must have realised my behaviour and doesn't speak anything but I feel her straightening her position and laying her head comfortably on the leather seat . The male teacher enters the bus and after doing the roll call , we start off on our journey .

I lay my eyes on Jaehyun but see him completely engrossed in conversing with Hye Soo . That boy is surely living his life ! I check for Sang hoon but don't find any clue about him so I shift my sight to the beauty sitting beside me .

Her back is slumped on the arm of the seat and the strap of her top is falling over his shoulder , exposing her skin more than before . Lips parted , eyes closed shut and legs tangling with mine , she sleeps peacefully in the small space . I see some douche bags ogling at her provocative figure and involuntarily , my jaw clenches and flames flicker in my veins .

I take off my gray jacket and proceed to put it properly over her , making sure it doesn't disrupt her calm state . Lifting the fabric carefully , I cover her shoulder and a little part of her chest when my eyes tentatively move towards her face . She looks so fragile and elegant this way , from in depth closeness . Her eyes are appearing sublime in sunlight , perhaps they have always been like this .

Her lips look exquisitely vicious and soft at the time . The distance between them is irresistible and inviting, I lick my lips at the memory of our lips joined . I should probably resume my seat if I don't want to put myself in trouble . I return to my seat but change my position , this time , pressing my back against the window and folding my legs over my seat so that her face is in my line of vision. This is so serene and peaceful , she isn't even doing anything and still manages to give me happiness . I close my eyes when I feel the wave taking over and succumb to slumber.

After 2 hours

Feeling a slight tap on my shoulder , I attempt to open my eyes and gape at the girl standing before me with blank expressions. " We are here . " ,I swirl my head to let the surroundings come into my sight and realise that everyone has left the bus except us . Wasting no time , I pick my jacket that I earlier put on her body from her empty seat and as I am folding it to take my bags with me , I see her scrutinizing my movements while grasping the leather cover of the seat .

" Let's go . " ,I mumble before signalling her to walk before me . After getting off from the bus , she makes sure to fasten her pace , her hair bouncing on her shoulders and disappearing behind the wooden entrance of the hotel that is booked by our school for this trip . I lick my lips at her stubbornness and run to catch with her. We reach the receptionist area but spot almost everyday standing with their keys clutched in their hand. My eyes find the figure of two similar persons waving at me while showing me the digital key. I move towards them while Y/n reaches Hye Soo and they converse about something which I am unable to decipher since we part ways to go to the opposite side of the corridor where the boys are allotted their rooms .

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