27 . Together

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I keep my eyes on the kitchen counter before me and experience the change in the air around myself. She looks at me , her eyes blank of emotions but something makes her eyes appear misty ."What do you know about them ?",her voice is weak and almost inaudible so I reach towards her to sit with her on the couch .She doesn't face which makes my body grow more tense and my heartbeat rapid . I don't want to stake a trauma in her heart that can harm her emotionally and mentally , I'd never forgive myself. "What happened to them ?", Closing the distance between us , I take her palm in my hands and give it a gentle squeeze. She exhales sharply , licking her lips to make them parched and her chest rises with each deep breath she heaves to jot courage in her veins . I don't want to force her into reminiscing about what bears a painful significance to her.

"11 years ago , on 22 February we were coming back from a restaurant dinner... I was 8 then and taehyung , 13. ",her throat protrudes when she gulps a huge lump of air down it .Her eyes begin to dim as if subjected to darkness of grievances . I have no time to harden my heart when I see her struggling so much to face her past. Never did I feel my soul getting empty at the sight of somebody and this is even more difficult when it's the woman who I love the most in the world ."We were talking about how taehyung plans to win a painting competition . "

"Suddenly , a blinding light shone on our car and then.... with a crash , everything- ",tears well in her pupils making her eyes look glassy . This breaks my heart in a million pieces as if somebody had plunged a stake into my heart. She sobs lightly , making every possible attempt to continue but her mouth closes repeatedly .

I cannot bear watching her getting weak so I take her in my arms and embrace her . The moment her face lays against my chest , she lets go of the chaos in her mind and moves her arms around my waist to cry hard . I was prepared for a lot of tears but I only wanted them to get shed on my chest . I refuse to leave her alone and vulnerable . She bends her head to bury in my chest and I hear her sobs . She pushes herself close to me , tightening her clasp around me . Although my heart is weeping at this moment , my hands massage her back and I hold her close to me.

"Everything just went....dark . I thought- I thought we all died...",she chokes on her breath between her bitter sobs.This terrible thought scares me to death because I cannot even imagine living my life without looking at her everyday . Without wasting another second , I press a kiss on her head and feel my eyelids getting heavy ."When I opened my eyes , we were laying on the road . I couldn't feel my leg , I forced my leg so much and tried looking for everybody but didn't find anyone. For a second , I t-thought they left me....",her trembling lips vibrate in my chest making me feel helpless . I want to wave all of her sadness and regrets away from us , to another world .

"Then I-I saw Taehyung rushing towards me and he helped me to get out of the car . We saw our parents and they were.....dead...",she whimpers and nudges her face on my chest. Instinctively , my limbs move around her neck to hold her in a moment of total silence . The totally silent part of a cry that announces the most horrible grief is about to follow . And it does , I'm muffling my tears in my lips at her pitch when she breaks down in my arms . It pierces my soul to see her like this , like all of her strength is sapped away . "It's okay , I'm here with you....",I rub her back repeatedly while my heart is shaking unstoppably .Her hands move to hug me more tightly than ever and she sheds drops full of pain .

"You are so strong y/n . You've endured so much in your life . I'm really sorry for your loss but grateful because you have struggled so much and you've come out of the difficult times so beautifully .",I don't stop pouring my heart into words as she hugs me , sobbing hard . I don't stop her but let her shed tears to her heart's content and merely caress her back and kiss her forehead .

Over the years , I've always thought of sharing my sorrows with others to feel what true bliss of connection is but instead discovered that you have to walk the difficult path of life alone. You fall , break your steps , rise , stand and move along all these phases alone but there's one special person who makes it seem easier , who leads you through the different seasons of life and never leaves your side . The thorns in the path seem insignificant by their presence because the roses bloom by their existence . To me , y/n is my light and I want to be her companion on this journey .

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