42 . Hesitant

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— Next Day —

Monday , April 5 , 2021

8:30 A.M.

Her pupils dilate slowly before her eyes flutter open at me, our bodies facing each other , cuddled inside the sheets."Good morning honey.",My hand brushes some strands of hair off from her temple to see the delicate features that make her look beautiful.I love waking up to her and feel blessed by our daily routine that has begun since we moved in together few months back.We spend our time working till our respective work hours , joining each other for lunch and spend our time after we get off from work.It seems as if we've created our own world, different from everybody else's and have found out path together , in our own place with love and care.

"Good morning baby.",She gives me a drowsy smile, her lips stretching wide but I know she's still recovering from her sleep.I lean towards her to press my lips on her but she averts my touch by clamping her hand on her lips making me pause my movements.Her face lurches back in unprecedented motions inducing uncertainty in my mind.

"I haven't brushed yet , I don't want you to smell my bad breath.",she maintains some distance from me when I'm tempted to get a morning kiss from her."It's okay, I don't mind it as long as you kiss me.",I don't give a damn about it and pull on her waist but she gets out of my hold instantaneously."You're a dirty man then.",She spares me a glance before pacing quickly to the bathroom while I rise from the mattress to watch her closing the door behind her.This is adorable.

My eyes rest on the blankets and I feel the strong instinct to scoot myself in the sheets to take a nap as I woke up early for the gym but I resist it. I should prepare the breakfast for us while she's taking a shower so I push the sheets aside to stand from the bed.I ruffle a hand across my hair out of habit and step inside the kitchen to get the ingredients of pancakes out of the cabinet.

30 minutes later

"It smells nice.",Her feet tap against the marble as she exits the room dressed in a tank top and shorts made of a filmy fabric, her wet hair cascading over her shoulders when she rises from the counter to gauge my progress on making breakfast. There's something completely captivating about her , perhaps it's the way her eyes squint over the pan before flicking at me or the cheerful smile that curves her lips as she moves next to me to smell the aroma of the pancakes."I can't wait to eat , my stomach is growling so bad.",She opens the cabinet door to take out plates with cutlery but when she comes back , I turn in her direction to lean my figure closer to hers, my eyes stuck on her lips.

"My kiss?",My words amuse her , causing her to give me a sweet smile before her hands cup my face and part her lips against mine.

The moment her lips clasp my bottom lip to suck , caress and lick it gently , my heart beats with a loud thud but I close my eyes and feel her giving me all the love that she possesses for me.I return the action by tilting my face and kissing her passionately since my hands are occupied with the spatula. "There.",she breaks the kiss by giving a sweet peck on my lips.

"I'm still not satisfied enough.",I complain in a stern tone but earn a slap on the back of my shoulder as she steps alongside to carry the plates towards the sofa in the living area facing the LED screen.I switch off the ignition and make sure to clean the counter properly and not leave anything for y/n to worry about and join her.

She is already engrossed in the figures displayed on the smart screen when I shift comfortably on the sofa , occupying enough space to fold my legs."These are amazing , I love it!",She licks her tongue to scrap over her lips while digging in her food and I chuckle at the appealing sight , always loving it when she's nonchalant and spontaneous in her actions."I'm glad. Eat a lot , I can make you more before I leave to meet them.",I retrieve the tissue to swipe a patch of honey syrup from her thigh but rest my arm on her thighs as we enjoy our food.This feels more special when the two of us are domestic in every sense and I don't care about changing the labels as long as I am with her.

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