4. What if ?

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My eyes amble around the corner of the classroom to land on her figure for the sixth time in the past 15 minutes. Y/N sits with her arms crossed over her chest in an upright manner while her benchmate , the boy with a boastful personality , peers at her with sinister shine . I am not liking the uneasiness swimming around my throat and as a result of it , I shift uncomfortably in my chair.

"Have you written the concept of modernisation yet?",the voice of the person sitting beside me distracts me and now I put my eyes on the notebook lying open on my bench. " Uh.....No , I'll write it in a minute . I am sorry.",Hye Soo nods and passes me a warm smile to make me feel unapologetic . I return the same and focus on keeping up with my work.

After I've written everything of my part in the team project , I take a peek at her notebook . My jaw drops to the ground at her impressive calligraphy and detailed information mentioned in her project . She notices me admiring her work and lets out a small chuckle but it's soft . "It's impressive. How did you do that ?" I ask her out of curiosity .

She begins to explain to me and I look at her intently . Everything she says gets acquired by my brain as I take a mental note to apply those techniques in the project .Twice or thrice , I noticed her face lighting with a pink tint on her cheeks and her occasional stuttering whenever I leaned closer to point something at her notebook . Maybe she hesitates to talk to me because I am a transfer student .

Unknowingly , my eyes take a peek at the girl who is obviously mad at me . She is now lazily slouched on her chair and as if an alarm ringed in her ear , she looks in my direction the moment my eyes land on her . She throws me a piercing gaze that I am sure can cut across like a laser beam . My eyes flutter with a great speed . I got caught . I turn my head in the opposite direction , now looking out of the window . Great ! Now she will think I was stealing glances at her .

After a few seconds , I decide to look at her if she's working on her project with the boy . My lungs shrunk to a chunk of airbag when I see her still looking at me . I didn't avert my eyes and look at her with blank emotions . If I turned back , she'd think I was keeping my eyes on her . I wasn't doing that . A slight tap on my arm makes me turn my eyes for obvious reasons .

"Here ..... I have done everything we decided for today . We'll set the slides tomorrow . Is that okay .... with you?",She pauses to see my reaction ."Oh....Okay.Thank you.",I answer her , grateful for helping me.

4:00 PM

I check the location on the smart screen before my eyes . Here it is . The bakery shop looks appealing from outside, decorated by vines of beautiful plants . It is wood- furnished but the glass wall gives it a modern look . I wasn't sure if I should work here as it has opened only two days before but It looks comfortable and welcoming . This is in the outskirts of the town so there is no danger of my father getting to know about it . Although my heart sank while lying to him about studying in the library, I realised I needed to be independent , at least financially for now .

The tiny bell hung on the door rings loud in silence as I step inside the bakery . My heart beams in cheerfulness as my body meets a comfortable and peaceful aura . Various tables are laid in a proper set up with aesthetic wallpaper and paintings on the wall . I stand there awed by the interior of what seemed like a little bakery from outside. A man in his 40s walks towards me with a dusting cloth ruffling in his hand . "Park Jimin ? ".

I settle my blazer bearing the school mark and my bag pressed onto my torso . "Yes . I contacted you yesterday for a part time job.", I bow down slightly to greet him . "Ah ! yes yes . So you'll be starting from today . I am sorry but I haven't found you a co - worker yet so you'll be working alone for now . Don't worry , I'll be here with you . Feel comfortable with me . Nice to meet you.", He explains to me briefly but makes sure to make me feel secure . I take his words positively and thank him before going to the restroom to change into the casual clothes that I have brought from home this morning.

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