43 . My woman

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11:20 P.M.

"Jimin, I- ",her voice quivers ,"What are you doing?",Encircling my hand around her wrist, I make her rise from the couch , leaving the papers that she had been stressing over from the past 2 hours behind and hold her by her shoulders to lead her towards our bed. I can't stand her doubting herself over something in which excels when I believe that her event will go great tomorrow."I'm making you have a goodnight's sleep.",I urge her body to lay on the soft mattresses and switch off the lights except the lamp that illuminates the golden light in our room.

"Wait- Let me check it once, I have to make some changes.",She resists but I am reluctant to let her stress over it anymore."No , you've checked the same paper about 12 times and you're tired , I can see it in your eyes.",I position myself next to her , turning my face in her direction when she gives up and immerses herself in the sheets.

"What if I forget something and it isn't good enough?",She nibbles on her lips, the worry evident in her monotonous tone.I lean towards her to have my hand palm her cheek , brushing my thumb tenderly over it , desperate to elevate the tension from her mind.I admire how meticulous she is but I hate the same fact when she wrecks her energy over tasks."It will be good because you have worked hard enough for it , you have checked it a lot of times so there's no way someone would find faults in your work. The more you worry about it , the more difficult it will appear and I know it's going to be great for you. I will always be cheering for you in the crowd.",I smile at her and see her returning the same with relief.

"But you have a meeting regarding your case tomorrow, it's okay , I'll be good.",She thinks of me when I know that my absence would affect her."Don't worry , I postponed it. I'm going to support you and clap the loudest for you when you finish.",She chuckles at my words and nuzzles her face in my chest as both of us laugh at how childish I sound.No matter how much I detail , I would never be able to express the immense pride that she brings to me, I feel proud to be the one that she chose because in my eyes , she's the most hardworking, talented and beautiful woman and I can't thank enough for her love with me.

"What if they get you out of the hall for creating nuisance?",She looks in my eyes , her arms going and my waist as mine hold her gently to feel the comfort that her touch radiates."Ay, why would they do that ? I'm expressing my pride and love for the woman I love. I would grab a microphone or something if they ask me to sit down.",I voice to make her amused and cock her head. I'm loving the peculiarity of this moment , when we continue random conversations that are nonchalant yet joyous.

"Then express it to me , not in front of them , this would bother them.",She breathes on my neck and my face flushes with heat , her body making me feel all types of crazy emotions whenever she comes so close to me."I don't care , they can go home if they feel bothered.",She laughs at me , probably wondering how ridiculous my words mean but I don't give a damn because she's laughing , finally after all this time. "I already feel sorry for them.",her eyes gleam at me , she's so beautiful."Don't you feel sorry for me ? I've been feeling alone since I came back because the work took you away from me.Won't you show me your love?",The needy side of me that she urges to bring , reveals and I can't help wanting to be close to her all the time. I must look like a needy child who needs her attention all the time but I don't care as long as she perceives my wants and loves me.

She doesn't say anything but heaves her face to reach my forehead and presses a gentle kiss making me feel loved."Nobody can take me away from you.",She conquers my heart with her sincerity and my heart blooms with happiness , a smile curving on my lips. She doesn't cease her actions yet , pressing her lips on my cheeks and nose before putting her lips on mine.I open my mouth to feel her taste , clasping to lick them slowly and savouring the taste of her lips before parting her lips to go deeper. My heartbeat races in my chest , in my throat and in my cheeks , my hands holding her head to crush my lips on hers when she breathes in my mouth.This is the most amazing feeling and I can never get enough of her.Lost in the moment of pure ecstacy, I press her body against mine , her curves on my body rising the desperation to kiss her more." I won't let you go either.",I kiss her lips before retreating back and taking in the mesmerising sight of her red lips and flushed cheeks.

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