37. Alive

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"What's up?",He voices from the other line while I keep my gaze at the traffic lights before crossing the road with quick but careful steps."Get with Sang hoon and meet before the news quarters of TV24/7 , be quick.",I end the call after hearing a "okay" full of assurance, a heavy exhale leaving from my mouth.My chest is weighing down in a pool of anxiety whenever I glance on the documents in my hand. I pick a swift pace in the direction of the bus stop , keeping the plan in my mind.

20 minutes later

My toes curl in my shoes as my feet are tapping against the marble floor on the entrance of the building.A wave of calm relieves my body from anticipation when my friends come in my vision."What are we doing here?",Sang hoon pushes her hands in the pockets of his trousers but his tone is full of urgency. My stomach clenches taut , my brain goes numb for fleeting seconds but I force my eyes to look at them.

"I was adopted by Mr.Park , the one who is the owner of Park corporations , when I was 13. During all these years, I realised that he just wanted an heir for his company and he never treated me like a son and always controlled my life. He's a horrible monster who tried to molest y/n's mother too and when her parents stood against him , he had them— he had both of them killed and framed it as an accident.When his wife discovered about his terrible actions…..he killed her too.That day when y/n got admitted in the hospital , I went to demand answers from him because even though he is a bad father, I couldn't believe he would kill someone but he said it. He said it on my face that I can't go to anyone because then he would cut off his sponsorship  for the orphanage from which I was adopted. I can't afford it but I know I need to get his shit out of my life. "

"These are my adoption papers. If I disclose them to the media , then everyone will know that I am not his biological heir and that he has tried to keep the position in his family by unfair means. He'll lose it all , everything that he has achieved now and his power. He's nothing about it.",I lick my lips but notice the uncertainty in the atmosphere.My head is full of voices telling me that everything will go downhill for the worst this time but this is my last straw, I can't give up because of the risks that concern my actions.

"Is he fucking sick in his head ? How does he live peacefully after doing everything pathetic in his life?",Jaehyun grits her teeth upon receiving all the information . I understand how overwhelmed they must've been on getting aware of everything at once."I want everyone who sees him on the media to see how much of a sick fuck he is ! Fucking Asshole .",He doesn't pretend when I know the old man has gotten on his nerves like mine but Sang hoon stares at anything but us as if he's contemplating the depth of the situation.

"You sure he won't hurt y/n or you again?",He steps closer to speak discreetly so as to not attract attention from the many people passing along us.

"He's influential because of his money and power which he'll lose once this news comes out. I don't think anybody would trust him when he would've done nothing.", I'm feeling apprehensive about my choice which is pushing me to the edge of regret but I try my best to bounce these thoughts on the back of my mind and trust my guts . Both of them give me a reassuring nod and jaehyun gives me a firm squeeze on my shoulder . "We are really sorry for whatever he did but we'll make sure that he gets the worst which he deserves. Alright ?" His words wrap around my head like a warm blanket but the memories are drowning my heart in sadness which is pathetic.

When you try to forget the memories of someone with whom you had a great bond and entrusted your feelings , the memories gravitate back to them which makes it almost impossible to realise the reality. I won't ever forget the comfort that she provided me , more than my mother, like an angel who came to give me all the love in the world only to disappear one day. 

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