34 . Bitterness

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I pull in a long breath before stopping my gaze on the man standing opposite to me who's constantly stirring the spoon in the coffee mug . "W-What do you mean ? Where did he go? Don't stand there and face me taehyung.",My hands clutch the thick fabric of the white blanket concealing my body as my senses are subjected to a heavy tension which strokes my heart achingly.

I'm scared to figure out his words and bring out the truth about Jimin's disappearance and this feeling is annoying as ever. No longer toying with the spoon, he faces me to walk forth and take a seat near me , still keeping his look on the floor.  

His hands move slowly to clasp my hand , caressing gently and he licks his lips nervously .This is already freaking me out but I'm convinced of the fact that he's about to say something."He met me outside and told me that it you'll be happier and safer without him .He had been warned before to not come around you but he didn't resist his urge. He didn't wanted to make you suffer for the mistakes that he had intentionally committed in his life , he loves you and wants you to be happy.",His words wither all the emotions out of my heart until I feel speechless and weak in my bones.

I can't think of anything except the thought of his existence fading away from my life without any reason.No matter what happened in our lives , the distance between us never procured in my worst nightmares .

"Why will he say that ? This…….this all is not his fault , he did nothing to me .It were those bastards who harmed me , not he . How can he think like this ?",Anxiety is satiated in my mind making me act like some maniac as I pull on his hands to demand answers . I had always known that there were some big troubles that remained unacknowledged in our lives but we were paving our way successfully through those paths. 

"Do you really have no idea? That boy is the only reason why you're having those dangerous and having these drips attached to your body . He kept himself close to you because of his foolish love and threatened your life . His whole family is a curse to our lives . It would have been better if I didn't let him get near you .", Taehyung flares and goes ballistic like never before and rises from the bed to pass his hand aggressively through his hair . My eyes never leave him as I ponder over the cause of his fuming anger.

"How can you say this? Please tell me why you didn't want him close to me . I know you've been hiding something for a long time and by doing this , you're really betraying my trust in you . Don't hide it from me , I need to know that now."

"Fine , you know how you think that our parents died in an accident , it wasn't one .His dad did this because mum decided to file against that bastard who tried to molest her . We would have been killed too if we didn't escape that night and you know what's his biggest mistake ? He didn't leave you even when he was warned by his dad , he should've known that you were worth something to have his dad warn him .He put your life in danger because of his silly attraction . I was right about him from the beginning. It's all my mistake because I had the option to keep him away from you . Come out of your illusion y/n…..his dad had sent his men to hassle you like this .Do you still think it's not jimin's mistake?",His gaze pierces into my soul .

My mouth feels dry as I refuse to believe and register his words . All these years , I have admitted my parent's death as an accidental one but now that I gulp the bitter truth , I realise my parents have been deliberately stolen from me because of someone's implausible fear. It's not possible , Jimin would've made me aware of this and we would've talked about this until we reached a conclusion but I feel the lack of his presence . Did he choose to run away?

"It's not possible…...did he know about our—our parent's m-murder ?....",My body shakes with unprecedented fear and everything collapses in my chest . Taehyung doesn't say anything for a few seconds , merely scrutinizing my movements until I look at him , my vision blurred from crystals brimming in my eyes . 

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