28 . So Good

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After I'm finished with spiralizing and adding noodles in the bowl , I get hold of the pesto and mix it until it's well coated . Applying the technique that I learnt from the video , I'm satisfied by the display of the dish when I stop by to see y/n hugging her gaze around the bowl , licking her lips wet. A smile tugs on my lips at this adorable sight as I finish swirling the spatula in the bowl and reach out to put the noodles in her dish . "It already looks like how they showed , I can't wait for you to taste them .",I don't forget to express my excitement and look at her to see her smiling brightly .

"Why are you smiling at me ?...",The red colour deepens in my skin as there is an electrifying tingle running across my spine when I catch her staring at me . She puts her palms on the table to stand from her seat , inching closer to me across the wooden table .

A stillness clicks in my heartbeat before it thumps on constant rhythm as her eyes level with me , the desperation in the aura increasing rapidly .

"Because you are so adorable when you are excited .",Her lashes blink at me and in this split second , I realise that the only thing that's keeping me alive is my breathing because the fire of her words blazes my skin to death . I gulp a breath as the pulse grows achingly in my heart and I lean to taste her lips . Everything in my mind gets subjected to the sensuous feeling of ecstasy that she arouses in my body with her slick caress of lips . Using my hand to palm her cheeks , I pursue my lips against her to taste the depth of her lips.  She blows away my mind everytime I decide to part my lips , only to kiss them again.

The warmth of our bodies is becoming my sweet obsession as I take every ounce of the passion striking in our lips . When she bites my lips , I see stars dancing right next to the sun , this is so goddamn addicting ..My chest rises and draws in a breath as our lips pause the movements . "Should we taste the dish now ?",she chuckles on my face and I burst into a laugh . I didn't believe in everlasting happiness but every second that I spend with her gives me new memories of permanent emotions and it's wonderful ."Sure .You know , that's what I've been waiting for. ",I put my gaze down on the plate while she gets seated in front of me and settles with a fork in her hand .

"You're lying , aren't you ? I told you Jimin , I know the feeling behind your glances .",She shrugs playfully , only speaking the facts . I know I can never hide my emotions from her , I don't want to . Pride is important to a man, but it isn’t everything. When it comes to the right woman, a man needs to be willing to swallow his ego every now and then.

My gaze never shifts away from her as she takes the first taste of the course . Her hands come to her mouth to hide the quick chewing as her eyes stretch instantaneously ."Oh my god….This is so delicious honey.",Her words bring the utmost relief and happiness to my heart and I finally inhale the breath that I didn't even realise I had been holding . "I'm happy then , let me taste it .",I am about to shove my fork in the puddle of noodles when she sweeps a morsel to my mouth . I'm trapped in a trance of admiration for her little actions that leave my heart pounding in my heart . "Here , taste it ."

Without wasting another second , I clasp my mouth around it to digest the food but the creamy sauce greases my lips . I don't bother to lick it clean but realise the ravishing taste of the meal . It really tastes heavenly good . "You look so cute .",She beams at me and the amusement on her face plunges the deepest emotions in my heart . It's her who's dangerous for my heart , now . I pass my tongue over my lips to let the cream churn in my stomach and continue to relish the delicacy as y/n wastes no time in digging in the meal . If there was a greater degree of happiness , I'd name it to this moment. I am grateful that she felt happy today .

"Is Taehyung coming with us to the park? ",I put my elbow on the furniture to look at her . Thin strands of noodles slip inside her mouth but she makes it quick to digest them in order to answer me . "No , he told me to enjoy it with my friends because according to him , I barely get any chance to spend important days with my friends so he's gone with his friends and we'll go together. ",I understand his concern for his sister and think the same but I need to know her personal opinion too .

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