That Should Be Me.

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Last chapter:

Nash's POV*
"To do this." She says. I didn't really understand until her lips crashed into mine. Not softly, like a car collision. It was full of lust, and love. Need. She and I need each other. It felt like forever, we were both fighting for dominance. It felt like forever, but it was barley 10 seconds. Cam then crashes through the door, we pull apart immediately. He doesn't even look fazed.

"SH-SH-SHE...." Cam yells.

"WHAT CAM?!" I yell. He doesn't reply, just grabs me and runs. What's going on?

Riley's POV*
Cam runs in, we immediately pull apart.

"SH-SH-SHE....." Cam yells, out of breath. He just grabbed both of our arms. He started running,dragging us with him.

"CAM! WHATS GOING ON?!" Nash yells, stopping in the middle of the waiting room where everyone else was.


"Really?!" I say excitedly. Maybe she can get out tonight too!

He dashes off, running to her room, only to come back seconds later, head down, stomping his way over to us.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you in there? Wait, where's Sam?! He's the reason she is even in this mess! I know she's his ex, but that was all on him!" I say. I'm pissed. This is all SAMs fault, and he isn't here? what the fuck SAM!?

"He's in the hospital room. Begging for her to forgive him, even though she's still sleeping off the drugs. HES HOLDING HER HAND, HES CRYING, HES BEGGING FOR FORGIVENESS. HES IN THERE WITH HER WHEN REALLY IT SHOULD BE ME! I SHOULD BE HOLDING HER HAND, TELLING HER ITS GOING TO BE OKAY, KISSING HER CHEEK. SHE SHOULD BE MINE, I SHOULD BE HERS. I SHOULD BE THE ONE SHE WAKES UP TO, THE ONE SHE KISSES. I SHOULD BE THE ONE SHE KISSES WHEN SHE WAKES UP TO AND WE KISS LIKE WE SHOULD HAVE TWO FUCKING HEARS AGO! SHE SHIULD BE MINE! NOT HIS! MINE!" Cam yells. Slamming his butt into the chair outside the hospital room. He looks so upset and devastated. I feel so bad, I go to Cameron and rub his back.

"Cameron. She's going to wake up, and look for you. She may forgive Sam, might have a really good friendship with him, but won't go back to him, she's going to go back to you. She loves you Cam, okay? She loves you Cameron. I knew you were in there, when I asked her truth or dare and if she still loved you. I knew she still does, even if she may not know it yet, but I know her better than she knows herself, and she loves you Cameron, she loves you. And when she wakes up, you can get her to be yours." I tell him. He looks like A little kid and I told he owns every candy store I the world. I get up after he gets up. Nash pulls me back while Cam goes into the room.

"What you did back there, that was amazing. You got through to him. You made him see something I've been trying to get him to see for awhile. Thank you." He says. We go into the room. I see Cam holding one of Mack's hands, and Sam holding the other. Ugh. Then I see that everyone else is in the room too. I'm excited. If the DOCTER wants all of us together, it has to be GOOD NEWS right? I look around the room, once again. cam looks so ready to hear what the doctor has to say, Sam looks ready too. The O2l boys are on there phones doing something. And the MAGCON boys look annoyed, not that they're here, but how long the doctors are taking. After the wait of what seems like forever, which apparently to Nash was only 10 minutes, I know because I kept asking how long have we been waiting, a lady who has brown hair, green eyes and looks to be in her late 30s.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Larissa. I am here to talk to you about her condition, is everyone you want here here?" She asked.

"Yes!" I say, a little more excited than I meant for it to come out.

"Okay, let me get to the case, she has had past anxiety attacks and panic attacks? Yes, but this now was different, something caused her to have a mental and physical break down. She ca-" I cut her off.

"We know that, we just want to take her home when she wakes up, well make sure that she is stress free. Well make sure she's okay, just tell us when she will wake up and when we can take her home. Please." I add. She looks down and frowns. I'm confused.

"Like I was saying before, she can heal. She can wake up. But right now, she isn't. And right now, the odds of her waking up aren't good." What?!

"Wait, you mean she's in-" Cam starts.

"She's in a coma. We will try and keep her alive as long as we can, try to get her to wake up as soon as possible, but we can't do that forever. We can keep her as healthy as possible, but she has to wake herself up, only she has the power to do that. There is a slight chance she will live, but otherwise....I hope you all the best." Dr....I don't know her name. But I don't care ether! I just got told my best friend, my I sister from another family, my whole world, my only thing that kept me sane, is sleeping and not waking up. She's dying, she....OH MY GOSH! She's dying. All I think as it finally set in. I scream. Kian left the room. Cam is holding her. Crying as hard as possible. Sam is holding his head in his hands, he is holding her hand, he holds it against his cheek. I smash my head into Nash's chest. He's crying too. All the boys are. We all just got told that could loose the most grateful, best, brightest, most talented girl in the world. I can't do this without her, that's all I can think as my world comes crashing down on me.


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