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"Hi Rylie..."
Those are the best two words I've heard out of anyone's mouth right now. She's okay. I run up to her and hug her.

"So y'all are good? You all understand what happened and y'all a couple again.....?" Nash asked happily.

"Ugh..." Cam leads off.

"No, we are not a couple, we are done for now. I can't handle the stress of dating, boys, or any fighting anymore. And I seriously am so sick of the god damn word sorry, because no matter now many times someone says it, it doesn't make the issue or pain any easier, or better. It just makes me feel like a bitch because I can't forgive someone once they've gone to far." She yells. Now I can tell how broken she really is, she may act like she has it all together, like she's so tough and strong and can handle anything that comes at her, but really, she has a breaking point, and I know that it has already been broken, and now it's pushed her off the edge. She has tears in her eyes. She looks at Cam and sees the tears in his eyes. We all stare at her speechless.

"Ohmigod! I-I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean it. I....Igottago." She mumbles, and runs into her room, and locks the door behind her.

"Cam...she didn't mean it, and you know that, but really, she should have, because no matter how lost you where, you never should have done that to her. Now if you really love her, you will respect her choice, and let her get her head straight man. It will be okay, but you need to give her space." Shawn says. I look at him. I can tell it hurts him to say that. He really does like her, and Cam lost his chance, but he also ruined Shawn's chance with Mack too. Now I feel bad for Shawn, because he deserves a chance, guess he'll just stick with friend zone for right now, and if he can wait for her, than he really does love her.


I was laying on the couch with Nash. He was playing with my hair while I played with his hand. I have been checking on Mack hourly, making sure she's not hurting herself or anything. I jut got back, and here i am, now laying on the couch with my Nash.


"Yes beautiful..?"

"Cameron isn't like this.."

"I know.."

"He's that sweet guy who wouldn't do anything to hurt a girl, right?"


"What happened??"

"Well babe.. He forgot.. He was away from Mack for so long that he forgot who he was. He got lost, Mack had an effect on him, she...when she left, she left a mark on him. He was so focused on finding her that he just.. to love, how to care, he just...changed, because he forgot....he just needs to feel that way again...he just forgot"


~ Mack's POV ~


"Who is it..?" I said softly

The door opened to a beautiful smile.


I smiled while he walked in.

"What's up..?"

"Nothing just wanted to see your beautiful face" my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"Shawn shut up!" I mumble, covering my face with my hair, head down.

"Hey! Don't let anyone ever tell you your not beautiful, because you are a beautiful, strong, independent, talented girl. If anyone else can't see that, that's their loss." He says coming and sitting next to me. I feel my eyes tear up. He picks up my chin with his forefinger. No, no no no no no.

"See, that's where your wrong Shawn. I'm not beautiful, there are other girls that are models, those girls are beautiful. I'm not strong, because here I am, hiding away from my problems. I'm independent, because I have to be, I can never rely on anyone, because I know I will do something wrong, or push them away, but at the same time, I'm not independent like I should be, because I let the others, everyone in, and some, get way to close to me, and look where it got me, back to being a pathetic, nasty, worthless ass bitch. They all left me, I'm surprised Ry and Nash didn't leave me already. And if I'm so talented, than what do you call the actual superstars Shawn? I'm just someone on YouTube, you are someone who every girl in the world dreams about, they know your name, me? I'm lucky if they even get my name right. Shawn, I'm a mess, I'm just.....I am nothing compared to Rylie even!" I vent, tears streaming down my face, struggling to breathe.

"No. Mackensi...just no. Don't you dare compare yourself to anyone else! I don't care about them! You are strong! You've survived so much! And don't you dare say your not talented Mackensi! How many subscribers on YouTube do you have? How many people ask for your autographs when we're out? And finally...if those people don't understand what your going through and leave you, than they're not worth it. I'm not going anywhere understand me? I'm staying right here, because I don't care about anything else except you being happy, and I want to be apart of that." He says hugging me. He wipes my tears and hugs me again.

"I should probably get going...." He says into my ear. I get chills.

He stand up to leave get to the door.

"Shawn?" I ask, than I do something I never thought I'd do.


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