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~ Rylie's POV ~

"Mack!!! Come on!! We're gonna be late!!"

"Calm you're butt down! I'm getting my phone!"

"Hurry!!!"I ran to the car and jumped in. I turned it on then waited aggressively for Mack. She finally came out then got in. I didn't wait for her to put on her seatbelt or anything I just took off.

"Rylie wait!!!"

"No! we haveee to get there early!!"

"Ry it starts at 7! It's 11:00am!"


In less then 10 minutes did we get there. I got out and ran to the line while Mack was barely getting out the car. She finally got to me and then a wholeee bunch of girls started lining up.

"See! I told you!"

"Fine, one for you Ry. But I hope you know I'm only doing this to see Shawn right?"

"Oh please I know, but I just want to get my hands on Nash!" )Not in the dirty way you dirty minded people!)

"Yeah, I know. What do you see in him? I mean yeah he has nice eyes, and is kind of cute but still!"

"Well I don't know.. He's so cute! With his hair, his eyes, he's funny, and.. I don't even know what to else to say about how perfect he is!" I ramble dragging out the 'so'.

"Whatever Ry"

I rolled my eyes and we laughed then continued to wait for them to let us in.

 Here we are six hours later, still behind the gate.

"Mack!!! it's 6:00"

"I know! You told me!"

The doors were opening at 6:30 but I just couldn't wait! The guards were at the doors and they were about to let everyone in. I was freaking out but I just knew that I had to run to get in. They finally opened the door and I ran in. I got to the front and I was soo happy. Mack came running in after every girl was already in.

"Oh Mack, how are you ever gonna meet O2L with that running?"

"I'm not meeting O2L, It's MagCon. Believe me, if it was O2L, I would be running faster then the Flash."

I started laughing "Well come on Faster then Flash, it's gonna start soon"

We sat down and waited till it started.

It finally starts and I scream my lungs out when music starts playing in the background.

"Hello MagCon Family!!" Someone says dragging out the greeting.

Our heads shot up and we saw a guy on stage talking.

"Oh my god!!" I jumped up while Mack was barely looking.

"Are you guys ready?!"

We started screaming our heads off, except Mack, which is causing some girls to look at her questioningly, even earning her some glares.

"Alright well here we go!! Please welcome Cammmmeron Dallass!!!!"

Cameron came form behind the stage and came was touching the fans hands. He came and since we were here early we were up front and I got to touch his hand.

"Oh my god!! Mack!!!"

"I know!!" She says, mimicking my tone. The girls around us shoot daggers at her.

Till We Meet Again (MagCon and O2L Story)Where stories live. Discover now