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~ Mack's POV ~

"Nothing's wrong Cam, there?! Happy I called you Cam, so that it sounds like we're close, even though we're not? We're not Cameron, and I'm sick of you going around acting like you like me, holding my hand and things, than going to kiss me than change your mind last minute so that you just lead me on, so that I look like a fool, than you go and act like you like me again. I've had this happen before Cameron, and from than on I vowed that I wouldn't let myself get hurt ever again."

" I'm not letting you hurt me, at least not any more then you already have, so goodbye Cameron. I'm done. I'm sorry, but no, I'm not going through that again, I refuse." I yell, my voice is raised loud enough that it almost echoes. My voice cracks at the end, I'm in tears.

I walk away from him, my eyes are overflowing with tears. I quickly wipe them as I enter the loft where everyone else was chilling. I go and sit in the only open seat, which, just to my convenience, is next to Shawn on my left. Bit on my right I have Ry. I quickly wipe my eyes as I see everyone else stare at me. I see that Ry and Nash have stopped talking.

Cams POV* (bet you wern't expecting this was you? Lol)

I watch as she, Mack, the one girl I like, walked away. I let her go, she needs space. All I do is lean against the wall with my back to it, slide down it, and cry with my head in my hands, thinking of how much I just hurt, possibly even broke the girl I love. I want her to forgive me, but I know I've really heart her. She deserves someone who won't just lead her on. Someone who can be there for her when she needs them. I want to be that person. I want to be her everything, just like she's my everything. But I lost her. I lost my only love. Damn, why am I such an idiot?

Mack's POV*

"Hey, you know where Cam is?" Nash asks.

"No, maybe he's where i left him alone, we had a....misunderstanding." I spit out through clenched teeth. Looking at him.

"Oh..." Is all he replies. I look away to feel a hand rubbing my back, I notice it's Shawn. I pull away. I don't want anything to do with these people right now.

Riley's POV*

I noticed something was wrong as soon as Mack walked through the door. She had her head down. She sort of walked sluggishly. When she looked up, her eyes were swollen and red. I immediately know she's been crying. Then Nash asked her about Cameron and she replays with no emotion in her voice but restrain. Then when Shawn tries to rub her back, she pulls away. I know there's something really wrong. I know it's really bothering her, I know she won't be okay till she lets it out. I know all this because I know my best friend, and this is not right.

", I'm not feeling well. I'm just going to drive to our hotel, I'll come get you when you want to come home Ry." She says loud enough that everyone can hear. There's a bunch of moans and some saying that we just got here and to stay, but I know that whatever happened, doesn't just go away, and she needs a friend to get though this. I need to be that friend. She leaves to go to the car after hugging everyone. She ignores Cameron though. He was coming back when she was leaving. He grabs her wrist and asks her where she was going. If she was okay.

She shakes her head from side to side. Ignores him. And leaves. Them Cam stalks out of the room in a different direction. Oh no, he did something, if she's ignoring him, it has to be pretty serious. Nash looks after Cameron. He must be thinking they same thing.

"Well, what do you know? I don't feel good ether. Looks like I'll go home with her because I don't want to get you sick either." I say smiling. Looks like our night ends here. Nash catches on. He needs to take care of Cameron.

"Yeah. Good idea. Let me walk you out babe." Nash says.

"Kay...." I say with a smile on my face.

He walks me out to the entrance. Then he leans in and whispers in my ear.

"I already put my number in your phone, you put yours in mine. We will keep in touch. But are you sure this is what you want? You want me?" I look at him put my hands on ether side of his face. Tangle my fingers in his hair.

"Nash, you're all I've ever wanted. I love you and always will, we can make this work."

He pulls my face to his, then clashes his lips onto mine. It takes me by surprise, but I kiss back. I finally pull away.

"She needs me, Cam needs you, they'll have to make up eventually. We're gonna be fine. I love you." I say to him.

"I know babe. I love you. Bye." He says.

"Hey! This is not good bye"

He laughs "Well what is it beautiful?"

"Hmm... Just think.. Till We Meet Again."

"Alright, I like that."


I hug him, and eventually let go. I walk away, to our car. I see Mack, she's crawled up in a ball, crying her head off. I open the door, she starts to wipe off the tears that still keep streaming, even when she try's to stop them from coming.

"You okay?" I ask her. It pains me to see her so broken.

"What are you talking about? I'm f-f-fine....." She says fake smiling.

"Don't act like it's all okay, because your not. I know it, and so do you. Just tell me what happened! Please." I say comforting her.

"He acted like he liked me, than he was distant, didn't do anything, that went back to acting like he liked me again. The same thing happened with Jake, and I can't stand to think of having to go through that again. That was the worst. I loved him, but he doesn't love me back, he can't. I can't even think of how much pain I would go through with him."

She cries into my arms.

"It's okay. It's going to be okay."

"I'm so sorry I ruined your night, you should be in there with your dreamboat Nash. I feel like I just ruined your life, I knew you were looking forward to this so much!" She cries. I just hush her. Then I drive us home. I tell her dad to carry her into the house. Once she's safe inside, I go to sleep on the couch and think of our eventful day.

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