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Mack's POV*

I ran off and finally found Cameron. He was at a park.. He was crying.. He was mumbing things too.

"You're such a fucking idoit.. You let her go and now she's with Shawn! He's got the voice, the looks and all you have is a broken heart! You're a fucking idiot Cameron! You hurt her more than once! You should have showed her you cared, instead of being an ass, you dumb fuck! You lost her Cam! Not once, not twice, but three! Third times the charm,....more like the curse, I lost my beautiful, genourus, love of my life, and I can't get her back. "

I slowly walked over and put my hand on his back. He jumped a little but didn't do much when he saw me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked looking the other way.

"Cameron.. Are you ok?"

"Totally! Why do you ask?" He spat at me. Ouch, why am I even fighting for him? "Because, you need to." I think.


I sat next to him. He sighs and puts his head down.

"No I'm not ok.. Mack I really like you, fuck like, I LOVE YOU and I spent the last two years without you, and I regret every second of it, I lost you then, now we come back, you might not remember, but I was being a major dickwad, and you left me twice, than when you finally admit that you love me back, you don't remember, three strikes and I'm out. Forever, I lost you.......forever." His voice cracks in the end.

"Cameron.. I.. I-I don't even know what to say..."

"What can you say? You lost your memory so all you know is you like Shawn.. I don't even know how you came to like me in the first place.."

~ Flash Back ~

"So you're Cameron Dallas?"

"Cam.. You can call me Cam.." He smiled



~ End Of Flash Back ~

My head starts to spin, what the he-

~Another Flashback~

"Okay, shoot." I tell him. We get to my room, I nod my head, giving him permission to go go in, he sits on my bed and I close the door behind me. I sit on the bed, but as far as I can. Me and Rylie just had a conversation about if I still like him or nah. I told her I'd tell her when I knew myself. Sam, I know he's good for me. I know he won't hurt me. He loves me. But I don't know, he just makes me feel, great, safe, protected. But when I'm with Cam, I can have fun. I can be me, silly, loud, crazy me. I know I can be everything with him, But I don't know if I can trust him, if I can ever be fully safe...

"Do you still like me?" He asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"W-w-w......what?" I finally manage to choke out. Didn't me and Ry just have this conversation?
He comes closer to me.

"Mack I wanna know.. I mean.. We left that night without a word and I don't know about you but I really thought something was going on between us. I thought you were the most beautiful girl I have ever saw, your hair, your eyes, you Mack. I just wanna know so that if you don't I don't end up doing something stupid"

"C-Cam.. Cameron I really don't know.. I mean.. If I knew I would tell you I really would but.. Just.. Can you please give me time..?"

He nodded. I smiled and went hugged him.

~End of Flashback~

Not just that was a flash back everything else was too. It was like I was watching a movie in fast forward. Everything comes to me. What....I remember! I remember moving.. Finding O2L.. finding MagCon.. Oh my god..

"Cam.." I mumble, trying to stable myself on the chain of the swing.

"Yeah..?" He said with his head still down

"I-I remember!!"

His head came up.

"Y-You do??"

"Yeah! I remember moving! Finding O2L, finding you guys, jumping in the pool, and-"

Before anything else he kissed me. We pulled away and smiled.

"You remember-"

"That you're a good kisser"

We laughed. He then leaned back in, we kissed again. My hands went on his neck, and he hands went to my waist. We finally pulled apart.

"Mack I love you, I-I can't explain it anymore than just saying... I love you, A lot.. And I've waited for this for so long but.. Would you be my girlfriend??"

I kissed him again.

"Does that mean yes?" He asked confused.

"Your a stupid cocky sun a bitch ain't ya?" I say, trying with a straight face, but ruined it by bursting out laughing.

"Yup, your back."

He smiled then got up and helped me up. He just stood there and stared at me.

"What is with you?" I said laughing

"Nothing just that I'm the luckiest guy in the whole fucking world"

I smiled. "Whatever Dallas"

"I'M WITH THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL MACK STARS!!!!" He says, holding my hand, dancing in a circle around me.

"Cameron!!! Shut up!" I say laughing. This dope, he's a cute dope though, even better he's now my cute dope.

"What?? I want the whole world to know you're mine"

"Then go tweet it!"

He laughed "Come on babe"

"Wait! Don't tweet it! I don't want any hate. That could ruin both of our careers! Everyone could hate us! Oh no, this could end horribly! You sure you want to be mine?" I ask him franticly worrying about all the bad things that could happen.

"Mackensi! I love you with all my heart, and I know you love me with all of yours, and I am very proud to say that your mine And I'm yours. I don't care who hates us, or how it affects our careers, because I love you and you love me, that's all that fucking matters." He tells me. I start to blush. By the time he stops talking I'm surprised I didn't start in flames because of how hot my cheeks were.

He grabbed my hand, pulling them away form my face, which causes me to blush even more crazily. I'm dating Cameron
Alexander Dallas..


We got home to see everyone just laying on the couch almost sleep. We laugh, he tells me to be quite I nod my head telling him yes. He takes my hand and we go to someones room. He closes the door and we start laughing. He then tells me to sit on the bed.

"Cam whos room is this?"


"Oh, what are you doing?"

"Here, put it on"

He gave me a sweetshirt. He put one on and then makes me put it on. I like it, it smells like him, and it's a little big, but that makes it even more comfy. We go back downstairs and go outside.

"Cameron what are-"

"-You doing??"

I turn and see Nash and Rylie and Rylie was just as confused as me. They then came walking over.

"Hey ready?"

"For what??" Me and Rylie said


"What are you guys talking about??"

They don't say anything but Cameron opened the door for me, while Nash held Rylie's door open.

We didn't know what to do so we got in. Cameron got in the driver's seat while I was up front with him and Nash got in on that side to.


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