I love you

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~ Mack's POV ~

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." I tell everybody.

"Kay." They all reply. I walk to the bathroom and do my business. Then I walk out. I start to walk back to the beach, but decide to take a walk along the shore. I walk down to where the sea meets the sand, take off my shoes and carry them in my hand. As I start walking I saw a couple walking in front of me. I walk behind them, but don't talk to them. I'm not trying to be stalkerish, I just wanna know what's going to happen.

"I know I haven't been around very much, but I want to tell you I'm here now." The boy tells the girl. Cute.

"Yeah, I love you too." The girl says.
The boy stops walking, and gets on one knee. Pulling out a box. Awww. The girl holds her hand to her mouth in awe. Then I see the boys face....no, it...no.

"I want his ring to be a promise ring, because we are to young to be married, but this is a promise that you'll love me till that time comes." The boys says. The girl just nods her head. This. Is. Not. Happening. The boys gets up, pulls the girl close and crashed his lips on hers, no. No, no, no no no no. This can't be happening. A tear streaks down my face.

"C-c-c-Camer-er-er...." I stumble out the words, not able to finish. The boy turns his head. It's him. My chest breaks. I knew it. I told him everything. How I felt, how I dealt. I gave him my heart, and this is what I get.


"You said you loved me you ass! I trusted you! How could you?!" I scream. The girl comes up to me and gets all in my face. May I add, her face is caked with nasty makeup, she is wearing enough perfume to do a better with killing anything, than pest control could with gas. I mentally gag.

"Well now you finally see that he loves and always has loved me more than you, bitch. Can you blame him, your a fat, ugly, mouthy, ass bitch, and he finally noticed and has had enough of your god damn shity as fuck ass." She yells at me. Her words stab like knifes. I've been told this so many times. These words, they break me, I've been abused, yelled at, raped and a lot of other things, but this, this couldn't compare, because Cam just chose this bitch, over me. I can't handle my tears, they stream down my face like a freaking waterfall. I run the other way. I don't look back. I run past Nash and Rylie, who both try to catch up to me.

"Mack, what's wrong?" Nash asked. I burst into tears.

"Go ask your shitty ass of a friend." I snap back.

"Don't talk about Cam like that! He has done nothing to you! Now don't take out whatever made your ass crabby on us, talk about it." Nash yell at me.

"He just gave another girl a mother fucking GODAMN promise ring and told her that they had a feature together forever! He gave her a promise ring! He told me he loved me, I leave for one minute and he goes to another girl. Sorry that I wasn't enough entertainment all at once! You know what Nash? Your right, that girls right, everyone's had enough of my shity ass, it's not anyone else's but my own fault for being so needy, self centered and not good enough!" I yell back. Rylie tried to come up and hug me, so does Nash, but I push them off. I don't want anything to so with anyone. I knew it, I knew I wasn't good enough, I knew it was to good to be true, I knew I wasn't going to ever be enough for a great guy like Cameron Alexander Dallas, and that was on me, because I can't be good enough for anyone. I wasn't good enough for my sister, that's why she killed herself. I wasn't good enough for my ex boyfriend, because I wouldn't put out. I wasn't good enough for Cam, because he obviously found someone better. I wasn't good enough for Shawn, because I didn't even talk to him, I chased after Cam. I wasn't good enough for Sam, he thought I was gonna cheat on him. There is only one problem in all of these, me.....I'm done.

Ry's POV*

"What the hell Nash!? Cameron has been cheating on My best friend? You had to have known! Cam tells you everything, did He tell you?!" I yell at him after we can't catch up to Mack and are trying to find Cam.

"I promise I didn't know! I wouldn't do that to Mackensi! I'm just as pissed to find this out as you baby! I promise." He tells me. We find Cameron sitting alone. He's crying his head off on a bench. I feel bad for him now and I want to hear his story before I do anything else. NOT. I walk up to him, grab him by the collar of his shirt and smack the shit out of him. He just takes it. That asshole. I can't stand to look at him! He hurt my best friend, more than once!

"I deserve that, and I'm so sorry! But you d-"

"Save your goddamn shity ass and shut the fuck up before I let her do worse Cameron." Nash says sternly. He is not taking the soft approach is he. I go to beat him more, but Nash holds me back.

"Your not sorry! If you were sorry, like you say all the time and loved her like you actually said, you wouldn't have done it!" I scream at him. He starts to cry again.

"Cameron, you told everyone to stay away from her, because you said you loved her, she trusts you and givers her your all, and finds out your cheating on her, but not to find out from you,but for her own eyes! She heard the whole conversation! How could you do that to her Cameron? " Nash asks, anger getting more clear as he goes on.

"If we knew what you were doing, I would have told her Sam was better, actually no. I would have let her believe she still loved Shawn, because no way in hell and back would he have even thought about doing this!" I scream at him.

"I know! Okay? I saw her there and know I screwed up okay? But you don't know All of the story!" He tells us.

"Really, it's clear. You cheated on her! She's been though enough, and you know that! She doesn't deserve anything you've put her through! Then this girl that you pick over her tells her that she's a worthless piece of shit and you just stand there! You can fucking go to hell and burn a million times before I would even think about. No, I can't even say that, because after this I will always hate you." I tell him, I walk away, maybe Nash can talk some sense into him. I walk home and see the door wide open, I go to the O2l house first. Everyone looks at me.


"Your house!" They all say in sync. I march my way to our house again. Shawn comes up and follows me.

"What happened?" Shawn asks, I turn around and see he has puffy red eyes, and he's worried as could be. If Mack gets through this, and she starts dating again, I'm telling her to be with Shawn.

"Short story. Cam cheated on her with another girl, and when she found out, it was by Her seeing Cam give the bitch a promise ring. Than after she saw, the bitch ass hoe told, her she was worthless and that she will never be good enough. Mack has had a bad past, and we both know that, but she has mainly been abused and bullied and caused her to self-harm. Hearing that, I'm feeling so much hate towards Cam and his side bitch. But I'm mainly begging that Mack can get through this without a repeat of last time, because last time, she almost didn't make it." I wipe the tears from my eyes. I look over to Shawn, his face has tons of worry and pain on it. His hands are at his sides, locked in fists. His knuckles are turning white. We run upstairs. I look around. Her door is open, but I walk in, and her bathroom door is locked. No, no no no no no, please no....


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